I love finding underrated powerful books. When I was approached to review Audacity by Melanie Crowder and host a guest post, I was SO excited, because the subject of the book, or rather the theme is something I deeply care about. You see, Audacity is about Clara Lemlich, who was a bit of a firebrand. Friends, you […]
Audacity by Melanie Crowder | Book Review
January 20, 2015
Filed Under: book reviews Tagged With: Book Review, Free Verse, Historical Fiction, Melanie Crowder, Penguin, Young Adult
Melanie Crowder on AUDACITY and Clara Lemlich
January 16, 2015
YOU GUYS! I just read the most awesome, powerful book — Audacity by Melanie Crowder. It’s one of those books that I want to hand out to people during Women’s History Month and pretty much throughout the year. I got lucky enough to be able to ask Melanie to write a guest post exclusively for Good Books […]
Filed Under: guest post Tagged With: Guest Post, Melanie Crowder, Penguin