Laundry Love by Patric Richardson with Karin B. Miller | Book Review

Who knew that reading a book would inspire me to get up and do my laundry? Laundry Love: Finding Joy In A Common Chore by Patric Richardson with Karin B. Miller was a delightful read. I am so glad that I picked it up after seeing it featured on Modern Mrs. Darcy. This book helped me […]

The Hazel Wood by Melissa Albert | Audiobook Review

Why Did I Listen To The Hazel Wood by Melissa Albert? The Hazel Wood by Melissa Albert has the most deliciously dark intricate cover. You all know how I cannot resist a good cover, right? So, upon seeing this cover I KNEW I had to read this book. Plus, there’s the whole fairy tale allusion […]

Dear Fahrenheit 451 by Annie Spence | Audiobook Review

Why Did I Listen To Dear Fahrenheit 451 by Annie Spence? Dear Fahrenheit 451 by Annie Spence initially caught my interest on the lovely Netgalleys because it is a book about books! As a book lover, that’s kind of the most meta you can get. Am I using the term meta right? Do I even […]