Five Reasons Friday: Coffee & Wizards

Five Reasons Friday is a brand new feature I’ve rolled out to shine a spotlight on my favorite book blogs. These are the blogs that don’t necessarily have the most followers, but continually impress me with their content. Please, do not email me asking to be featured as I don’t want to be put in the […]

Five Reasons Friday: The Allure Of Books

Five Reasons Friday is a brand new feature I’ve rolled out to shine a spotlight on my favorite book blogs. These are the blogs that don’t necessarily have the most followers, but continually impress me with their content. Please, do not email me asking to be featured as I don’t want to be put in […]

Five Reasons Friday: Into The Hall Of Books

Five Reasons Friday is a brand new feature I’ve rolled out to shine a spotlight on my favorite book blogs. These are the blogs that don’t necessarily have the most followers, but continually impress me with their content. Please, do not email me asking to be featured as I don’t want to be put in […]

Five Reasons Friday: Chick Loves Lit

Five Reasons Friday is a brand new feature I am rolling out to shine a spotlight on my favorite book blogs. These are the blogs that don’t necessarily have the most followers, but continually impress me with their content. Please, do not email me asking to be featured as I don’t want to be put […]