BBAW Day One: ‘Cause all you really need are a few good friends

Y’all, I have a ridiculous amount of mentors and friends in the book blogging community. I have a huge amount of people who make the long hours writing posts, talking on twitter, and reading books worth it.

BBAW Interview with Lena of Save Ophelia

Name: Lena URL: Blog Title: Save Ophelia Described your blog using 5 words: Concise, thoughtful, thorough, eclectic, lovely 😉 What is your favorite genre to read and review? The first book I really fell in intense love with was Huxley’s Brave New World. I read it in about the eighth grade and re-read it a […]

Book Blogger Appreciation Week Meme!

1) What has been one of the highlights of blogging for you? Definitely meeting new people, and finding new books by reading other people’s blogs, plus, I am in love with the In My Mail Box meme, I love seeing picture splurges! 2) What blogger has helped you out with your blog by answering questions, […]