Name: Lena
Blog Title: Save Ophelia
Concise, thoughtful, thorough, eclectic, lovely 😉
What is your favorite genre to read and review?
The first book I really fell in intense love with was Huxley’s Brave New World. I read it in about the eighth grade and re-read it a few times before the end of the year. Since then, I’ve always turned to dystopian fiction. And it has rarely let me down. With dystopian fiction, there are so many possibilities and it always leaves you thinking – the whatifs are what gets me.
What is your #1 2009 read and why?
To answer this question, I had to sit and stare at my “Books Read†section for quite a while. And it’s honestly a tie between Nathanael West’s Miss Lonelyhearts or Kazuo Ishiguro’s Never Let Me Go. On one hand, I love dystopian fiction and Ishiguro has quickly made his way into my heart. On the other hand, I love black humour and social satire and West’s way of capturing post-war life and even religion.
What would your desert island books be?
Time Must Have A Stop by Aldous Huxley. Lady Chatterley’s Lover by D.H. Lawrence. We Have Always Lived in the Castle by Shirley Jackson. I’ve read all three more than a few times. But I think they’d keep me going, each in their own way. If I had to choose just one… probably the Huxley.
What caused you to love reading?
Hands down, my mother. She always jokes that my love of reading is a genetic trait she passed down to me. When we lived in my hometown, we had an entire wall of books, just for her, and one just for me. Without her, I doubt I’d have this strong of a love for books.
What is your beverage of choice while reading?
I have this unusually strong fear of spilling things onto the book that I’m reading, so I don’t usually drink and read. It’s never happened to me before, so I’m not sure why I’m so afraid of it.
How did you hear about BBAW? I accidentally stumbled onto BBAW through Ana’s blog. Though the next day, nearly every book blogger I follow had posted about it.
Do you plan on participating in BBAW next year?
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Like this short interview!
BBAW: Interviewing myself
Good job! I'm def. going to go check out her blog.
Oh how I wish a love of reading was genetic! I so wish my daughter shared my love of reading.
I've been reading Lena's blog for awhile so it was nice to get to know here a bit better here. My mom was a pretty big reader too. Hmm, maybe it is genetic! 😛