Ahhhh, it is finally the end, the last day! Y’all, I am tired. that happens, so I’ve been putting this off because I am one of those people who succumbs to procrastination and just does not give an ish. That’s okay. Anyways, I am so excited to share who I look up to as bloggers […]
15 Day Book Blogger Challenge | Day 14
It is really nice to take a day off from blogging. I know that’s frustrating to other people participating, but y’all it was nice to just relax with my books and also to take time to try cooking a new to me recipe, which FYI turned out awesome. Today’s prompt is all about the things […]
15 Day Book Blogger Challenge | Day 13
Holy moly you guys, we’ve almost made it to the end, two more days to go! I am amazed that I have kept this up throughout the whole challenge, given how notoriously flaky I am. Anyways, today’s topic is fun, because who does not love telling EVERYONE to read your favorite under the radar book? […]
15 Day Book Blogger Challenge | Day 12
I am totally a ball dropper lately. Like, if it is hot, I can’t make myself do something, at least not until it has cooled down to the point of me not thinking about how hot it is and how much I hate not having air conditioning. So, lately, I have been writing up these […]
15 Day Book Blogger Challenge | Day 11
Have you guys been hit by a heat wave as well? I swear it is so hot that it’s hard to sit here and function as opposed to lying on the floor in front of a fan. I envy those of you who have air conditioning! Anyways, today’s prompt is all about showing off and […]
15 Day Book Blogger Challenge | Day 10
Ahh, you guys! The end is in sight. I mean, I am having a ton of fun doing this, but am always wracked with such guilt when I haven’t written up the post the night before. Alas, I went to the laundromat yesterday after work for 2 hours and it was not at all fun. […]