The Best Halloween Ever by Barbara Robinson is essentially a sequel to The Best Christmas Pageant Ever. It features the same cast of characters, just with a different holiday. I felt obligated to read this book as there are definitely not enough books out there that are themed around Halloween. Overall, The Best Halloween Ever is the […]
The Best Halloween Ever | Frazzled | Almost Super
October 31, 2016
Filed Under: book reviews Tagged With: audiobook, Barbara Robinson, Book Review, Booki Vivat, Elaine Stritch, Harper, Marion Jensen, middle grade, Mike Chamberlain
The Best Christmas Pageant Ever Barbara Robinson Book Review
December 22, 2011

“The Herdmans were absolutely the worst kids in the history of the world.” pg. 1 Nothing says Christmas like a bunch of asshole kids taking over the Nativity play. Friends, The Herdmans are children I can get behind. They are bad kids and OWN IT. Totally my type of children. As you well know, I […]
Filed Under: book reviews Tagged With: Barbara Robinson, Book Review, children's lit, Christmas, Harper