Never Kiss A Duke by Megan Frampton | Audiobook Review

Why Did I Listen To Never Kiss A Duke by Megan Frampton? Never Kiss A Duke by Megan Frampton is the first of the Hazards of Duke series. I started by reading the second book from the series, Tall Duke And Dangerous. I know, reading them out of order is kind of weird. Alas, them’s […]

Tall, Duke, And Dangerous by Megan Frampton | Audiobook Review

Why Did I Listen To Tall, Duke, And Dangerous by Megan Frampton? Tall, Duke And Dangerous is the second book by Megan Frampton that I have recently listened to — although from a different series of Frampton’s. I decided to give this a whirl to listen to as. it was on Libby. Also, I had […]