I wish I lived in the worlds contained in Sarah Addison Allen’s pages, where the ordinary is peppered by magic, where setting is almost as prominent as the characters. The Peach Keeper is set in Walls of Water, North Carolina, a town which once made it’s money off timber, but now has a thriving forest […]
The Peach Keeper by Sarah Addison Allen
May 18, 2011
Filed Under: book reviews Tagged With: Adult fiction, Book Review, Random House, Sarah Addison Allen
Review: Innocent Traitor by Alison Weir
January 19, 2011
In college I squandered all of my European history credits on Medieval history and World War II. I never took a class where we studied the Tudors in depth. However, like Twain, I try to self-educate by reading voraciously. When I had signed up for Audible, I had no idea what book to use my […]
Filed Under: book reviews Tagged With: audiobook, Book Review, Historical Fiction, Random House, strong women