Why Did I Listen To Legion by Julie Kagawa? Legion by Julie Kagawa is the fourth book in her Talon series — which is her series of dragon books. I very much enjoyed the first book. I feel like I thought the second and third books were alright too. Anyways, I kind of lost steam […]
Legion by Julie Kagawa | Audiobook Review
Rogue by Julie Kagawa | Book Review

Rogue is Julie Kagawa’s heart pounding sequel to Talon, her dragon fantasy book. If you like Sophie Jordan’s Firelight series, I can practically guarantee that you will enjoy Kagawa’s Talon Saga. These books are the story of dragons who can Shift into human form and walk among us. Talon is the name of the overarching […]
Talon by Julie Kagawa | Book Review

I have been on a bit of a Julie Kagawa reading binge of late and I have absolutely no regrets. After finishing The Forever Song I read a couple of books but I came back to Kagawa OF COURSE and picked up Talon. I took the leap from vampires to dragons and that has made all the […]
Nightbird by Alice Hoffman | Audiobook Review

Why Did I Listen To This Book? You guys! I always think that I am super well read but then I come across books by mega super star authors that I have not read and realize, whoa, I am not nearly as well read as I thought I was. Alice Hoffman is one of those […]
A Creature Of Moonlight by Rebecca Hahn | Book Review
With blurbs from authors like Franny Billingsley and Kristin Cashore and comparisons to Patricia McKillip, I could not resist going all grabby hands toward A Creature Of Moonlight by debut author Rebecca Hahn. I am unable to pass on a fantasy book blurbed by two of my favorite authors. As a debut, I think that A Creature […]
The Creature Department by Robert Paul Weston | Book Review
There are some books where mileage may vary depending on the reader, where it’s kind of hard to universally recommend or not to everyone. The Creature Department by Robert Paul Weston is a middle grade fantasy book where I’m on the fence about it. See, I typically love middle grade books that are fantasies and have […]