Rise To The Sun by Leah Johnson | Book Review

Reading Rise To The Sun by Leah Johnson is an experience. You can practically feel the Farmland music festival as you read this book. And let me tell you, Rise To The Sun was a perfect read when it has been over a year with no concerts. I love that Johnson gave me a little bit of that […]

Tell Me Everything by Sarah Enni | Book Review

Another day, another random pick from the TBR cart. Tell Me Everything by Sarah Enni vastly appealed to me at the time of choosing because it is a slim volume. And as you all know, my mission right now is to just get through some books on my shelf and clear out some much needed space. […]

The Perfect Fraud by Ellen LaCorte | Audiobook Review

Why Did I Listen To The Perfect Fraud by Ellen LaCorte? The Perfect Fraud by Ellen LaCorte initially appealed to me when I was going through a phase of exploring thriller books. However, I got kind of busy and it just languished on my TBR cart. Eventually though, I borrowed the audiobook from Hoopla on […]

For The Wolf by Hannah Whitten | Book Review

For The Wolf by Hannah Whitten has a cover that is like catnip to me. Looking at that cover of the red contrasted with the green and white of the Wilderwood and aesthetically, I am sold. Then we have the tagline about two sisters, one is for the throne and one is for the wolf. […]

The Merciful Crow by Margaret Owen | Book Review

The Merciful Crow by Margaret Owen was so much better than I expected. I’ll admit I went in with not a lot of expectations. This book has mixed reviews on my goodreads. Still, I wanted to pick it up because I just absolutely love the design of the cover. Also, I’ve been on a roll […]

Hearts, Strings, and Other Breakable Things by Jacqueline Firkins | Book Review

I do love a good Jane Austen re-telling from time to time. Hearts, Strings, And Other Breakable Things by Jacqueline Firkins is a contemporary young adult retelling of Mansfield Park. To be honest with all of you, I’ve never read Mansfield Park or seen any film adaptation of it. So, I walked into this book with […]