37 Bookish Resolutions To Try In 2019

Hello reader friends. It might just be me, but I LOVE making New Years Resolutions and talking about them. There’s something about the fresh start of a new year and all sorts of goals that really appeals to me. Every year I make a bunch of resolutions – some I actually achieve and some, well, they end up on the back burner. The resolutions that I always end up most likely to achieve are the ones which have to do with books. Go figure. If you’re stuck without ideas for resolutions or you want to actually try resolutions this year, I have a list of bookish resolutions for you.

37 Bookish Resolutions You Should Try For 2019.

  1. Declutter your books. Resolve to unhaul a specific number of books and pass them on to people who may enjoy them.
  2. Buy more books. On the opposite end of the spectrum — TREAT YOURSELF.
  3. Improve your DNF skills. Maybe you keep reading a book you don’t like or can’t get into because you feel bad about DNFs. Make 2019 the year of quitting books that aren’t adding value or entertainment to your life.
  4. Try audiobooks. Here’s some that I really enjoyed.
  5. Get a library card AND use it.
  6. Vote in the library budget and board elections (want your library to have the latest greatest books — maybe vote in favor of the library budget.
  7. Learn to use the digital apps your library provides (if you are lucky enough to have an amazing library). Libby, Hoopla, Overdrive, and RBDigital magazines are a few that my library provide. I cannot imagine my life OR my bank account without Hoopla, Libby and Overdrive.
  8. Join a book club.
  9. No book club? Start a book club.
  10.  Make at least 50% of your reading books by marginalized authors.
  11. Buy books by marginalized authors.
  12. Recommend more books by marginalized authors.
  13. Start a #bookstagram account. (Here’s my account – let me know yours and I will happily follow).
  14. Start a bullet journal to track your reading (among other things).
  15. Read a book that intimidates you.
  16. Start and finish a series.
  17. Write a book.
  18. Participate in NaNoWriMo or Camp NaNoWriMo.
  19. Read one debut novel per month.
  20. Read a book that is out of your comfort zone.
  21. Read a book per month relating to a life goal (finances, decluttering, relationships, whatever).
  22. Re-read your childhood favorites.
  23. Start a Booktube Channel.
  24. Subscribe to 5 new Booktube Channels.
  25. Read all of the books by your favorite author.
  26. Or a new to you author.
  27. Donate books to people in need (Detention Centers, Underfunded Libraries, etc).
  28. Give to a literacy related cause.
  29. Make a monthly TBR and stick to it.
  30. Attend BookCon.
  31. Attend a Bookish Festival (YALL West, Texas Teen Book Festival, Rochester Teen Book Festival, National Book Fest, Brooklyn Book Fest, etc).
  32. Stop buying more books than you can read. (THIS ONE IS SO HARD)
  33. Read all the unread books on your shelves.
  34. Read 1000 books with your child before Kindergarten.
  35. Attend a poetry slam.
  36. Compete in a poetry slam.
  37. Participate in a Readathon — and resolve to read all 24 hours.

37 Bookish Resolutions You Should Try For 2019.

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April is in her 30s and created Good Books And Good Wine. She works for a non-profit. April always has a book on hand. In her free time she can be found binge watching The Office with her husband and toddler, spending way too much time on Pinterest or exploring her neighborhood.

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About April (Books&Wine)

April is in her 30s and created Good Books And Good Wine. She works for a non-profit. April always has a book on hand. In her free time she can be found binge watching The Office with her husband and toddler, spending way too much time on Pinterest or exploring her neighborhood.


  1. Those goals are pretty ambitious. I have resolved to read more than last year and hope to participate in some bookish challenges. That is about it.

    Gayathri @ Elgee Writes

    P.S I followed your instagram (I am pretty new to bookstagram)

  2. Bookish resolutions are so much fun! This is a great list of ideas.

  3. A few of my resolutions are:

    1. Finish series I have on my shelves
    2. Attend 3 bookish events
    3. Read 72 books (the biggest goal I’ve ever given myself)

    These are all great. I started a bookstagram account last month, looking at everyones’ accounts can be intimidating sometimes! Jess @ literary_life

  4. I love these goals! I particularly love number 3. My DNF skills need improvement. Also, I have a bookstagram as well @talesfortay ❤❤