Why Did I Read This Book?:
I sat in on a panel at Book Blogger Convention and the editors in the panel were really talking up The Nazi Hunters: How A Team Of Spies And Survivors Captured The World’s Most Notorious Nazi by Neal Bascomb and so after the panel, I decided I could not live without reading this book — because you know things like that happen to me, I essentially decide I NEED to read a book or heaven forbid what will happen. I was also very interested because I’ve spent much of my college career taking classes centered around World War II and the Holocaust. Things I cannot fathom are interesting to me.
What’s The Nazi Hunters All About?
First off, The Nazi Hunters by Neal Bascomb is actually non-fiction. Y’all, apparently I was not paying too much attention in this editor panel thing, because it never crossed my mind that oh, this book is NOT historical fiction but non-fiction, so when I did my #bookstagram picture of it, I tagged it as historical fiction. THEN I opened it up and felt like a fool. BUT ALSO massively excited because I really do enjoy non-fiction, especially when it is based on things that fascinate me. So, okay, The Nazi Hunters details the hunt for Adolf Eichmann, a very high ranking Nazi officer. Actually Eichmann was the person whom many say had a very huge role in carrying out the Nazi party’s genocide of the European Jewry. Anyways, after World War II, Eichmann escapes to Argentina where he stays under the radar. He is never tried for his war crimes, UNTIL a tip comes into the Israeli intelligence agency, the Mossad, that Eichmann is alive. The book then goes into detail on how Mossad agents captured Eichmann. I just thought it was so interesting because the book weaves in back stories of each agent, many of whom had family members who perished in the concentration camps.
Is This All Textbook-y?
No. Actually, I found The Nazi Hunters to be very accessible. Never once was I like, ugh learning, frack that noise. Instead, I found the book to be very thrilling and intense, like I just wanted to know what would happen next in the plan to capture Eichmann. The book flows quite well. I will be honest and say that while it’s not quite perfect, I think that the true story is what I came for, and I ended up being completely drawn in. Also, I feel smarter after reading this book, granted yes, it’s aimed at kids but there were things I did not know about in it. Another cool thing is that there are all these photos throughout the book and a few maps. I think it would be very well suited to visual learners.
Who Would I Recommend The Nazi Hunters To?
If you are interested in World War II, criminal justice, or espionage and do not mind reading books written for a youthful audience, I think that you should certainly pick up Bascomb’s non-fiction tome. It’s a very quick read, I think if I wasn’t half way to sleep on Wednesday, I would have read it all in one day. Like, if you want to learn more about the Holocaust after reading something like Code Name Verity, The Nazi Hunters is a very non-threatening way to explore some history. Especially because you might not learn all this in school, I mean, one might spend a week or so on the Holocaust, but might spend less than a day on the War Crimes trials. This is a great book to fill in some of those gaps.
Sum It Up With A GIF:
Basically Neal Bascomb’s The Nazi Hunters is real life James Bond experiences.
Disclosure: Review copy obtained at Book Blogger Convention.
Other reviews of The Nazi Hunters by Neal Bascomb:
Have not seen any yet, alas this book is not even out until August 27th, but I just really wanted to write about it.
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I’m scared to death from this kind of books. My grand-grandparents (and one sister, if I’m not mistaken) were the only ones from their family who survived the holocaust (we’re Jew) and short of all the studies we do in school about the whole atrocity, and we have 12 years of school with it unlike abroad, I could never read or watch movies about it. I pretty much crumble into small pieces.
But I’m very glad to see others reading and learning more about all this. Eichmann was a very big deal for us in Israel, and his trial (which followed his capture) marked the beginning of a new era and a changed understanding in Israel about the whole holocaust, which is something very important.
Now I’m babbling. Haha, sorry about the long reply (which is hugely unrelated) I just got emotional over the fact you read this book and learned from it. Told you, the holocaust does all sorts of things to me… ~shudder~
Hey Nitzan, thank you so much for commenting and sharing your story. I wish that we had learned more about Eichmann and why the trial is such a big deal in school, instead we just got one day on the Nuremburg trial, which even then did not do too much to foster my understanding (this is also why I am so glad I read Rose Under Fire because it just helped to further my understanding).
Honestly, thank you so so much for commenting, I am glad you did despite the subject matter making you very emotional. It means so much to me that you did share a bit about your family, how tragic and awful. I think this is why I read so much about the Holocaust, because I want to know and remember those who were lost.
It’s so weird to hear you got one day on the subject. It’s kind of sad that we learn so much about it because it happened to us, but the rest of the world – that should learn from what happened so it’ll never repeat – only hear about it shortly. I understand it, of course, because we each have our own history, but it just seems like a subject that should have more emphasize. Or maybe it’s just because it has a connection to me.
Honestly, the only reason my grand-grandparents survived was because they noticed the warning signs and left Germany when they still could. They tried to convince the rest of their family, but short of one sister that followed shortly after (and still lives), they all stayed there… It’s really heartbreaking.
But I also think it’s important to talk about it, so all that happen will never be forgotten. Because if we forget about it, then it’ll happen again….
Ahh, sorry for getting all depressing on you xD Commenting was no problem at all, and I’m really glad you read this book 🙂
This sounds like a really interesting book. WWII is a really interesting topic (for all that it is extremely depressing.) The fact that the book didn’t feel like a textbook is definitely a good thing! I might have to check this one out!! Thanks for the review! 🙂
It actually was quite fascinating and interesting for sure. I agree that WWII is quite a depressing topic, but at the same time, I love the real life stories of courage and heroism that came out of WWII. I think there’s definitely a reason why we call the people who came through that era the ‘greatest generation.’ Yeah, I love non-fiction that reads like fiction. I highly recommend checking out The Nazi Hunters.
I’m now kicking myself. I saw this one at ALA the other day but I didn’t pick it up – I was trying to avoid being greedy so I was being very picky. After reading your review, I know I have some students who’d LOVE this one. Bummer. On a separate note, I picked up Elizabeth Wein’s Rose Under Fire…just not sure if I can handle all the feelings right now.
Awww, that sucks that you did not swipe a copy. I think it might be up on Netgalley though, I’d definitely look into that or email Scholastic to request it. It’s very, very good. AND YES, definitely will have kid/teen appeal.
Oh my gosh Rose Under Fire is amazing and yes, will bring you ALL the feels.
Thank you for this excellent review. I think it’s important that this era in history be remembered. I grew up learning about the Holacaust. My grandpa actually was in the French Resistance and had very colorful stories of WW2. I don’t really like books about war, but I think this is a book that really matters and the fact that it is “accessibly written” would make a lot of difference to me and probably other readers as well.
OH I WOULD LOVE TO SEE THIS IN SCHOOL LIBRARIES AND CLASSROOMS!!!! What a great, great book for that particular place, particular since you say it isn’t textbook-y and has great pictures. Did I miss if you mentioned it would appeal to a middle-grade audience? Because I often do a Book Fair circuit during the school year and would love to pump this one up if it fits into the MG category. (I may have overlooked in your review – if I did, sorry friend!)
I actually didn’t pick this one up at BBC–I was trying to be responsible and only take books I KNEW I’d read–but I immediately regretted it once they started talking about it. And now, reading your review, I’m almost certain I’ll be checking it out at the library. THIS is the kind of non-fiction I love to read, and that works so well in classrooms. Not textbooky at all!
This book sounds incredibly fascinating! I like learning about different times in history, and the fact that you mention is being accessible makes it even better. As a person who likes a bit of history now and then, I’ll definitely make a note to check this out.
This book was the shit.