Allison: Top Ten Beach Reads

Top Ten Beach Reads

Anna And The French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins | Good Books And Good Wine

Anna and the French Kiss – Stephanie Perkins
The beach would be the perfect setting to swoon over Etienne St. Clair.

Sloppy Firsts, Megan McCafferty, Book Cover, Jessica Darling

Sloppy Firsts

Sloppy Firsts – Megan McCafferty
Jessica Darling is someone you really should take to the beach with you. She will make sure that you have a good time!

Dante's Girl Cover

Dante’s Girl – Courtney Cole
If you’re looking for a sweet simple story with tons of swoon moments, this one would be perfect for you. Plus, it’s set in a tropical location that is just right for a beach book!

Wanderlove, Kirsten Hubbard, Book Cover

Wanderlove – Kirsten Hubbard
A story about finding yourself with a little romance along the way? Definitely a good choice for a day at the beach.

Tiger Lily by Jodi Lynn Anderson | Good Books And Good Wine

Tiger Lily – Jodi Lynn Anderson
This would be a fun imaginative story to take to the beach with you. It takes everything you think you know about the story of Peter Pan and completely changes it.

Beauty Queens Cover

Beauty Queens – Libba Bray
I’ve heard this book called Lord of the Files meets Miss America. I loved it, and I feel like it has just enough intensity to hit the spot. Also it is filled with several interesting thoughts on society’s obsession with beauty (and pageants).

Memoirs of a Geisha Cover

Memoirs of a Geisha – Arthur Golden
The ideal multi-cultural beach read! Engrossing story that is so hard to put down.

Coast Road Cover

Coast Road – Barbara Delinsky
This perfect beach read is beautifully written and filled with poignant moments regarding the importance of love, friendship, and family.

Home Again Cover

Home Again – Kristin Hannah
Secrets, lies, and romance all with a hint of Hollywood. Not the most complex book by any standards but it is a good summer time book. Especially for someone looking for some simple chick lit to read on the beach or by the pool side.

Sam's Letters To Jennifer Cover

Sam’s Letters to Jennifer – James Patterson
It’s easy to read this book in one sitting. It’s a tad predictable especially when it comes to the romance but the predictability of it still makes for a good read when you want to forget everything else around you.

Sylvan Beach 2012

Sylvan Beach 2012

What are some of your favorite beach reads?

As always Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke And The Bookish.

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Allison is 27 years old. She is always looking for new books, good music, quality/epic adventures, and a normal sleep schedule. She currently works with the elderly.


  1. I think Anna should be on everyone’s list. Lol

  2. The only one of these I’ve read is Memoirs of a Geisha. I absolutely loved it! The writing is so gorgeous and descriptive it’s hard not to get totally sucked into Golden’s world. Great pick 🙂

    Pretty Deadly Reviews

  3. The Jessica Darling series has been on my TBR forevvvvvvver. I’ve heard the best things about it.

    ~ Gabbi
    My top ten! 🙂

  4. I absolutely adored Tiger Lily despite the fact that it completely broke my heart. It’s such a beautifully crafted version of the classic Peter Pan tale that we all know and love. I’m not sure I could read it on the beach for fear of the tears (from the sand in my eyes, of course!). And I haven’t read Beauty Queens but I love Libba Bray and the setting/scenario in this book sound absolutely perfect if you want a good laugh.

  5. A&TFK and WANDERLOVE are perfect for the beach!

    Awesome choices 🙂