Allison: Bout of Books 7.0 Sign Up & Goals

Bout of Books

The Bout of Books read-a-thon is organized by Amanda @ On a Book Bender and Kelly @ Reading the Paranormal. It is a week long read-a-thon that begins 12:01am Monday, May 13th and runs through Sunday, May 19th in whatever time zone you are in. Bout of Books is low-pressure, and the only reading competition is between you and your usual number of books read in a week. There are challenges, giveaways, and a grand prize, but all of these are completely optional. For all Bout of Books 7.0 information and updates, be sure to visit the Bout of Books blog.


I am really looking forward to participating in my SECOND Bout of Books! I did really well with the first one, and it actually looks like I might have more free time this time around. I know I might not be able to accomplish ALL of my goals but I hope to knock out most of them! Especially the reading ones.

-Read 6 books
-Catch up on the Song of Ice and Fire Read-a-thon (A Clash Of Kings)
-Catch up on my review writing if possible
-Comment on at least 10 bout of books posts daily
-Participate in one twitter chat
-Participate in at least one challenge

Books to read:
Tiger Lily by Jodi Lynn Anderson (Current Read)
Teacher’s Pest by Charles Gilman
The Resurrectionist: The Lost Work of Dr. Spencer Black by E.B. Hudspeth
The S Word by Chelsea Pitcher
The Girl of Fire and Thrones by Rae Carson
Venom by Fiona Paul

Number of pages/books I’ve read today:
Total number of books I’ve read:

Number of pages/books I’ve read today:
Total number of books I’ve read:

Number of pages/books I’ve read today:
Total number of books I’ve read:

Number of pages/books I’ve read today:
Total number of books I’ve read:

Number of pages/books I’ve read today:
Total number of books I’ve read:

Number of pages/books I’ve read today:
Total number of books I’ve read:

Number of pages/books I’ve read today:
Total number of books I’ve read:

Wrap Up
Total number of pages read:
Total number of books read:


Best of luck to everyone that is participating! 🙂

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Allison is 27 years old. She is always looking for new books, good music, quality/epic adventures, and a normal sleep schedule. She currently works with the elderly.


  1. Hi there,
    I’ve only done Dewey’s once & really loved the readathon so have been looking for a lower pressure one. This might just be it!

  2. Omg so many bookish thoughts. Awesome list! I still really need to read Tiger Lily (got it for my birthday months ago D:). I read The Resurrectionist a couple weeks ago and was honestly very disturbed by it. Do you like really dark/creepy/macabre writing? If not maybe skip it….