It’s a little surreal to think that ONE YEAR ago today my first review went live on Good Books and Good Wine. In many ways, it feels almost as if it were yesterday. I can still remember the conversation April and I had where we discussed the possibility of me becoming her co-blogger, and helping her out. I remember how nervous I was about people not accepting me, or not liking the way I wrote reviews, or not being able to understand me. I guess I simply didn’t want to overstep my bounds but, I also remember how excited I was to join. I had this feeling that I was about to go on an incredible journey, and boy was I right!
This past year has been so much fun. I have been able to meet so many awesome people, read so many excellent reviews, and add way too many books to my to-be-read list. I’ve also been able to create a whole new world for myself, and have so much fun while doing it. In many ways, I feel as if this past year as a book blogger has helped me grow as a person, and I feel that I will forever be indebted to April for inviting me to join her, and for allowing me to take part in a world that really did seem far out of my reach before.
I really can’t imagine not being a part of this community now. Like I said, I have met so many awesome people, and you all have been so welcoming, and understanding. Getting to know you, read your comments on my reviews, hear your responses to what I’m reading, or what I’m doing has been wonderful. I love gushing about books with all you! I truly can’t thank you enough for all your kindness, and support. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!
And here’s to another year of good books, blogging, friends, and glasses of wine!
Latest posts by Allison L (see all)
- Allison: Her Perfect Affair | Priscilla Oliveras | Book Review - January 31, 2019
- Allison: His Perfect Partner | Priscilla Oliveras | Book Review - January 28, 2019
- Allison: Book Blogger Challenge Day 15 - January 27, 2019
Congrats on one year as a co-blogger! 🙂 A celebration is definitely in order!
Thank you!! I think so too… 😉
Congratulations on having one year under your belt! I can only imagine how much work it is, but it sounds like it’s been all worth it for you 🙂
Thank you!! I have put alot of work into it but it has all been worth it. 🙂
Congratulations on one year. That has to be so exciting. (:
And P.S. the graphic at the bottom of the post is fantastic.
Thank you!!
Isn’t it the greatest? I love it! 🙂
Congrats on turning one!!
*gives cake*
it has been fun to read your reviews.
Thanks for the cake and the hugs! 😀 I’m so glad that you enjoy reading my reviews.
Congrats Allison! I remember your first post 🙂 i’ve enjoyed your reviews and getting to know you. Cant wait to see what you come up with in the next year!! 🙂
Thank you!! It has been so nice getting to know you too, Rachelia! Hopefully this next year will just as fun and exciting. 🙂
I’ve thoroughly enjoyed your reviews over the past year and, of course, meeting you at BEA! Here’s to many more years of blogging and hopefully another meeting soon 🙂
Thanks Tara! It was so nice to meet you last year, and I look forward to seeing you again sometime soon. Maybe BEA? Hope so! 😀
Congrats! You and April have one of the best book blogs out there, and I’m looking forward to many more wonderful reviews and lists!
Thank you, Christina! Hopefully this next year will be filled with the things that you look forward to most from us. 🙂
Congrats on one year-such a big accomplishment 🙂 Here’s to many more years!
Thank you!! It’s hard to believe it’s been one year already, and like you said here’s to many more… 😉
YAY Allison! Congrats on your one year anniversary! It’s been so awesome to read your reviews. I’m glad that you’re having a great time because it shows! Keep up the great work!! 🙂
Thank you, Amy!!
It’s nice to know that my feelings regarding how much I have been enjoying this experience have been so evident in what I do on the blog. No negativity here! 😉
SO glad you’re a part of this community! I love your reviews and your perspective and your general presence on the interwebs. 🙂
Thank you Lisa!!
It is so nice to be liked and appreciated… 😉
Pretty sure my life would suck without you. For a variety of reasons.
I am feeling uncaffeinated and lazy so I will come back later with a longer comment <3333
You’re the best. I feel the need to break out in song because of your comment.
‘Cause we belong together now
Forever united here somehow
Yeah you got a piece of me
And honestly my life would suck without youuuuu!
Congrats, Allison! Keep up the great work because you rock! Never forget that.
Thank you, Nikki!! 🙂
Allison! It’s been so fun reading your reviews on GB&GW! Keep up the awesome work! I’m glad you and April joined forces. 🙂
Thank you Magan!
It’s been so nice getting to know you and reading your reviews!! 🙂
Congratulations on your anniversary with GB&GW! It’s been such a pleasure getting to know you and to read your reviews, and I love the variety that you add to GB&GW. I hope we get to meet at BEA this year, if you plan to go!
Eeee! I will (hopefully) be at BEA this year! I’m so excited to meet you. Thanks Alexa! 😀
Congratulations on your first year as a co-blogger. You are a great addition to the community and April is super lucky to have you!
Aww thank you Kara! 🙂
This year has completely flown by because I remember when you came on board! I’m so glad you are co-blogging with April because I just love her blog, but I also just love her blog with you part of it, Allison! Congratulations on one year! <3
So happy you joined April on the blog, Allison! Congratulations on one year, and I hope you’ll stick around for a lot longer. 🙂
Wow! Time does fly! Congrats on a great first year! Hope to see you again soon at Oblong!