Top Ten Books Allison Would Want On A Desert Island

If I were stranded on a desert island, these are the books that would HAVE to be with me:

As always Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke And The Bookish.

1. Beauty Queens – Libba Bray
Why? Because I imagine I might be able to take a page or two from it and adapt it to what is happening to me. Also, it’s Libba Bray — enough said.

2. Hatchet – Gary Paulsen
Why? Because whatever I am unable to learn from Beauty Queens about survival, I can learn from re-reading about Brian and the wilderness.

Wanderlove, Kirsten Hubbard, Book Cover

3. Wanderlove – Kirsten Hubbard
Why? Because I will need to learn how to adapt to my surroundings and probably take my chances if I’m on a desert island.

4. Daughter of the Forest – Juliet Marillier
Why? Because if Sorcha was able to survive and complete her quest, I should be able to survive as well. Also, truly magical storytelling!

5. The Giver – Lois Lowry
Why? Because I honestly can’t imagine this book not being in my life especially after re-reading it recently. It would also remind me that it’s okay to feel and to hold onto my memories.

6. The Canterbury Tales — Geoffrey Chaucer
Why? Because I’m the weirdo who loved reading Chaucer in AP English class. Almost everyone else hated it but I really enjoyed the stories, and I think it would be the perfect time killer on a desert island.

7. The Odyssey – Homer
Why? Because if I’m in for a long journey on a desert island I might as well have a companion like Odysseus to keep me company.

8. The Harry Potter series – J.K. Rowling
Why? Because if I get tired of Odysseus and his journey, there is no one I’d rather join than Harry Potter.

The Rose Series by Jennifer Donnelly

9. The Rose series – Jennifer Donnelly
Why? Because I would never want to be on a desert island without a book by one of my favorite authors. Also, this series would keep me entertained for hours. Plus, I might actually read the final one.

10. Bon Jovi: When We Were Beautiful — Bon Jovi
Why? Because even though you may laugh about it, my sanity would sincerely depend on it.

So, there is my desert island book list.

What is on yours?

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Allison is 27 years old. She is always looking for new books, good music, quality/epic adventures, and a normal sleep schedule. She currently works with the elderly.


  1. I can only pick ten? I’d rather die! (Although, I saw how you cheated there, counting a series as one!! Hmm…. well, if we can do that.)
    1. The Dragonlance Series (over 197 books!)
    2. The Ender series. (13 books)
    3. The Dirk Pitt Series (21 books)
    4. The Alphabet murder mysteries by Sue Grafton (Currently only 22 books, but potentially 26!!)
    5. The Eye of the Hunter (which is my favorite book ever!)
    6. Angels & Warriors: The Awakening (since I am going to be all alone 😉 )
    7. A boys scout book (because survival is key!)
    8. The Complete Herb Book by Jekka McVicker et. al. (Yes, I know, I’m just being silly, but since I already have 260 books, I can spare a few necessities!)
    9. Shakespeare’s Complete works (the 1914 Oxford edition, because it won’t bore me to death with some interpretive brain-picking!)
    10. A blank notebook so I can write my own story 😉

  2. I’m so taking Harry Potter with me to a deserted island! Love your list!

    My TTT / 200 Followers Giveaway

  3. Bahahaha, I was going to leave a meaningful comment, but you’re killing me with Bon Jovi. 🙂

  4. I absolutely love good memoirs written about/by people I am interested in (especially musicians!). I didn’t even realize there was a Bon Jovi book! So thank you for pointing that out! I read the Scott Weiland book (which has an AMAZING cover, btw) and I really enjoyed it. I also read the Johnny Weir memoir and the Bear Grylls memoir, but I don’t think I’d take those them to an island with me. Once was enough. Haha.

    Also Daughter of the Forest – YES. I recently read that and was so blown away by how wonderful it is that I’m not ready to read the second book yet. I’m still enjoying the lingering effect of the loveliness of that story. Just brilliant.

    Great list Allison!!

  5. Beauty Queens. Lol. I need to read Donnelly.

  6. Awesome list! I need to reread the Giver…

    Old follower 😀 Here is my TTT

  7. i was just thinking about hatchet, great pick! im packing for worse case senario ! Check out our TTT ~ Katie @ Inkk

  8. Great list! I didn’t think of the Canterbury Tales. That’d be a great one to tackle! The Bon Jovi one looks interesting too! 😀 My TTTs are at Musings on Fantasia and LKHill. Happy Tuesday! 😀

  9. I cheated with The Harry Potter series also. I have loved Bon Jovi for forever so I won’t snark on that choice. 🙂

  10. Of course, Harry Potter 😀 But I’m also very happy to see Daughter of the forest, because that is a wonderful book. Marillier is one of my favorite authors.


  11. Harry Potter and The Giver would definitely come with my to a deserted island (and in fact are on my list, too). Hatchet would be a good one for sure, I can see it helping out and just being a good read.
    My TTT

  12. Such a great list. I would totally have Wanderlove, Harry Potter, and the Odyssey on my list. Everyone hates that classic but not me. It is epic and I love it. Nice, Allison.

  13. YES to Harry Potter! a deserted island would be a great time to catch up on the classics. 🙂

  14. Oh man, this was a great list Allison! I’m with you on Bon Jovi (good call!) and The Canterbury Tales. I remember having to do a recitation of it in AP English in OLDE ENGLISH. I still remember the first 10 lines or so of it, actually. Amazing!As for my list, it’s more of a mix of practical books (i.e.- The Zombie Surivival Guide) and fun books (i.e.- Where’s Waldo).

  15. Love your list! Harry Potter is a must. I’m looking forward to reading Wanderlove soon too.

  16. Beauty Queens and HP are on my list, too! I hope I never ever ever ever get stranded on a deserted island, but if I had some books (that I like) to keep me company, I could get through it. At least for a day or two 🙂

  17. Dude Hatchet is a really good choice… Brian figures out stuff about survival I know I never would! I haven’t read Beauty Queens, but I’m betting its got the same thing going on… good thinking! I am bringing HP too and some rock bios as well (Motley Crue and Anthony Kiedis)!

    Thanks for stopping by My TTT 🙂