I truly love the idea of cultivating gratitude — of not taking people or things for granted, and so today’s Top Ten Tuesday topic of Top Ten Books/Authors I am grateful for really appeals to me. Â However, because my ninth thing was such a high note, I thought I would end it there. Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke And Bookish.
The Books:
1. To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee
Why? Friends, this book is one that I feel reading makes you a better person. How can you not admire Atticus and his wonderful moral compass? How could you not love Scout and her persistence and tenacity when it comes to Boo Radley? I just, love this book and am thankful that it was written every time I re-read it.
2. The Harry Potter series by JK Rowling
Why? Look, I know it is cliche to put down the Harry Potter series, but honestly? I have not re-read any other book (s) as much as I have Harry Potter. These books feel like friends and family to me and are the very first ones I can remember getting for Christmas and immediately re-reading again and again. These books ignited a deeper passion in me. I mean, I’ve been a bookworm for as long as I can remember but I was never the geeked out sort of fan, and these books helped me to feel as though I was part of a larger whole, if that makes sense?
3. The Mists Of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley
Why? This was one of the first books I read as a teen that taught me ladies is baller too. Seriously, like so many of the books I read as a kid had a male as main character and the male got to have all of the adventures. The same thing happened when I moved onto adult books. You see, I was never recommended Tamora Pierce or Robin McKinley or Diana Wynne Jones, so when I came across The Mists Of Avalon in my library it was like a wonderful breath of fresh air and I loved seeing females having adventures and being the main characters.
The Authors:
4. RL Stine
Why?: You guys, I would not be a Stephen King fan, I would not touch horror with a ten foot pole and I would have missed out on some GREAT top ten favorite books ever if not for RL Stine and his goosebumps series. I am so grateful that I read his books as a kid and grew up to enjoy the macabre.
5. Kimberly Sabatini
Why? You guys, I have met Kimberly Sabatini a few times at various book signings and she’s such a warm and wonderful person. Honestly, authors like her make me glad to be a reader and a book blogger, because her passion for books totally shines through. Plus, I know she’s not going to hop on the goodreads or my reviews if they are negative and I can truly appreciate that.
6. Lenore Appelhans
Why? Lenore is an utter class act and I am glad to consider her a friend, even though I totally made an ass of myself the first time I met her in person. And lol this story is embarrassing for me because it shows how socially awkward I am, but when someone introduced me to Lenore the first words out of my mouth were to the tune of ‘OMG YOU ARE FAMOUS’ because she was the most popular blogger I had met besides Kristi. Anyways, she was totally nice about it. And well, I am grateful for her because she brings German chocolate, posts pictures of her adorable cats, and shows that dreams do come true, as evidenced by the publishing of Level 2.
note: photo is from an Oblong Books event
Why? Friends, I consistently drive over two hours to go to this store’s YA events. I have braved snow storms, bad drivers and speeding tickets just to go to this store. You’d think I would just order the signed books online, call it a day and stay home. Alas, I truly love going to Oblong Books. Their YA section is actually good. I can go over to that section and not feel like an adult creeper because I like teen books. Plus, the owner, Suzanna knows her stuff when it comes to YA and really does cultivate an excellent atmosphere. ALSO at most of the signings I have been to, there are door prizes! Seriously, this is one indie book store that I am PROUD to spend my hard earned dollars at.
8. The Library
Why? Really? LOL? Okay, well as a kid I would never have been able to financially cultivate my love of reading without the library. I read fast and zoomed through books and there was no way my parents would have been able to constantly purchase books for me. And so, the library was a place where I could go and read to my heart’s content. Without the library, I absolutely would not be the reader or the person that I am today.
9. My Book Blogging Friends
Why? There are so, so many of you that I don’t have room for all of your names and I feel like there are more people meet and can call friend every single day. Some of you I have never met in person. Others of you I have bonded over champagne and wine with. You all make me want to come out of my shell. You make me strive to read more books. You make me want to be a better person. You remind me to consider my words and my actions — yes, it’s true as stupid as it sounds. You encourage me to purchase nerdy t-shirts. You never make fun of the fact that sometimes I’d rather be reading than watching the latest tv show or movie. You always say YES BUY THE BOOK. You leave me insightful, thoughtful comments and don’t hate my guts when it takes me a few days to return them. You let me hash out my feelings whether it’s for a book or the latest drama in g-chat. I’m truly grateful you are there for me.
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This was adorable! Seriously. I can relate to everything on here.. in some way or another. Except the HP series 🙁 (I own the first, I’ll get on it soon!) Anyway, great way to show thanks! 🙂 Happy Turkey Day Week!
Awww, what a wonderful post! I agree with you on all of the points, except for Mists of Avalon, which was interminable. I tried to read it twice before I finally got through it the third time. I loved the first half, but then I would hit a wall. lol
Kimberly Sabatini and Lenore Appelhans are marvelous human beings!
Those are wonderful things to be thankful for 🙂
It was a lovely list
VERY excited to see your library card on there. I love how you’ve become such an engaged library user this year!
I so, so, so loved that you included the library! I love the library myself, but I am a librarian, so I don’t know if my love carries a lot of weight behind it 🙂
Ouch! I totally forgot to be grateful to my library :_( hehe Anyway, I like you list. I think I’m going to check out your books. Thanks for sharing 😀
What a wonderful list of gratitude 🙂 That photo with Lenore is so awesome, makes me want to pick up LEVEL 2 right away. I am definitely grateful for my blogging friends too. I only really have one that I talk to regularly but it is nice to know she’s there and awesome that we’ve gotten to meet.
I had To Kill a Mockingbird on my list too. It is such a good book and has reached generations.
The fact that you included libraries on your list is pretty cool. I didn’t think of it, though it seems libraries are a bit of a dying place for some, I am glad I can borrow books for free, otherwise I would spend a lot more money than I already do buying them!
Aw, what a great post! I love that you included a mix of different bookish things, not just a list of authors or books. I also love that To Kill a Mockingbird topped the list. 🙂 LOVE that book. And the photo of Lenore is awesome, too.
Awesome list! I’m still a big user of the library – every time I move, a library card is the first thing I get.
great picks r.l. stien on my list too! Check out our TTT ~ Katie @ Inkk
What sweet list! Happy Thanksgiving April! 🙂
I love your list, April! I love that you included the library and favorite indie. Mine is lover 2 hours away as well, but I love it so much.
I hope you have a great Thanksgiving!
Loved this. I was a reader first and a writer second, so I totally relate!
Great list… I love that you have the library in there – with a pic of your card, no less. I wish I had thought to do that when I created my Top Ten list this week. And I work in one, you would think I would be more in tune to that! 😉
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! 🙂
Your description of why you chose The Mists of Avalon made me smile.
The Boy Who Lived.
Forever and ever, amen.
Yes, yes, yes, to the library card. So much. Libraries are the best!!