1. Drink a whole box of tea. Friends, every time I go to the grocery store and see an interesting looking box of tea, I snap it up. And now I have 12 boxes of tea in the pantry. Let’s hope 2012 sees that number reduced to 11 boxes of tea.
2. Complete Couch To 5K. This is cheating because I only have seven more workouts to go before I am officially a runner and have completed the program.
3. Eat breakfast. Usually breakfast for me consists of two cups of coffee. And I heard a rumor that breakfast starts your metabolism and if you eat it you will weigh less. So, I shall breakfast on. Also, to eat vegetables and fruit at least 3 times a week given how much I hate vegetables that will be a miracle.
4. Pay one of my bills off completely — either a college loan or my car or my credit card. I want one of my debts GONE.
5. Get to 600 book reviews posted here on Good Books & Good Wine. I am at 430 as of today, so I only need 170 which friends, is a piece of cake FOR ME.
6. Raise my blog traffic to 600 unique hits and 1,000 page views per day on average. Totally accomplishable if I fix my SEO on old posts and continue to be awesome and post regularly as well as comment regularly. In a dream world I would say 1000 unique hits but I’m not sure I am there yet. Maybe in June I will revise this.
7. Donate. In 2010 I donated over 50 books to my hometown’s library. I’d like to donate even more this year. As a book blogger who does receive review copies I can be a force for good in my community and get books into the hands of those who need them.
8. Join the No Outstanding Review Club. Basically this is the club where all of the cool kids hang out and I desperately want to be cool. So what this means is that I will get my need to be reviewed list down to zero and schedule things in advance like a grown up.
9. Read 5 Classics preferably from my Fill In The Gaps List.
10. Watch 10 movies from my Netflix queue. I pretty much pay Netflix to watch re-runs of The Office over and over and rarely ever watch movies from the queue. Yo, that is 7.99 I could be saving to just buy the Office DVDs, so I might as well do something smart and watch the movies that I added.
11. Start a feature showcasing other book blogs. Look, I think there are a lot of amazing blogs who don’t get the recognition they deserve because they aren’t throwing loads of free things into the crowd. I want to give those blogs generating quality content some spotlight.
12. Listen to at least 24 audiobooks. See, what I did there. I just made a resolution I can totally accomplish. I mean, come on, I drive a lot for my job and have my own office. I could probably accomplish this in six months. But I just want to be official with it!
13. Read and review at least half the books that I’ve requested previously from Netgalley. Yo, just because something is archived doesn’t mean I don’t have access. For example, a few books that I requested I got unsolicited paper ARCs for and a few others I can borrow from the library. I guess that means I am declaring myself for Netgalley January.
14. Paint my nails. Yo, I buy nail polish bottles on a whim but then never paint my nails because I feel it is a waste of time and because I am terrible at it.
15. Learn to cook another recipe from the Harry Potter Cookbook. I have mastered Any Nut Peanut Brittle, I’m sure I can learn one more.
16. Complete 31 Days To Build A Better Blog (by February) because this blog could always improve.
Latest posts by April (Books&Wine) (see all)
- Prince Of The Palisades by Julian Winters | Audiobook Review - March 8, 2025
- Ex Marks The Spot by Gloria Chao | Audiobook Review - February 7, 2025
- An Academy For Liars by Alexis Henderson | Audiobook Review - January 20, 2025
Great goals, April! I’m so with you on the tea front! I’ve been buying tea like crazy and never finish a whole box lol. Also, YEAH..I want to eat breakfast too! It’s so hard! i wake up too late.
YAY BREAKFAST! See my problem is I wake up really early but spend most of that extra time doing my hair and checking the internet because I’m positive shiz went down while I slept.
These are some awesome goals April!! Good luck meeting them all!
I’m pretty sure I’ll never join the no outstanding review club, b/c sometimes I’ll decide I really DO want to review a book like 3 or more months after I’ve read it… So my goal is to not procrastinate as much 😛
And getting out of debt- SUCH a good idea & totally one of mine too! 🙂
Right, debt blows and I want to be realistic about what I can accomplish in 2012.
Oh, I keep a list on my goodreads of to be reviewed books and some on there are from 2010 — so I hear ya on procrastination.
Thanks for the well wishing!
OMG NUMBER ONE!!!! I don’t think I have EVER finished a box of tea! I have like 8 boxes at my apartment and probably 4 at my boyfriend’s house. My new goal is to finish a box. You are SUCH an inspiration 🙂
Also, I would like to try audiobooks. I tried 2 and didn’t like them–any suggestions for a good one?
Word. I have all this tea lying around and I like to make easy accomplishable resolutions, because what’s the point if you can’t actually complete a resolution.
I should have a post up within the next few weeks on good audiobooks for audiobook virgins. But right now I would say go with Harry Potter narrated by Jim Dale.
Love all of these! 🙂 I went and counted-there are 14 boxes of tea on our cupboards, but most are almost empty. I could rock that resolution.
Yay for #9! 🙂
All of these are really amazing! I hope you accomplish all of them in 2012!
I am jealous of your almost empty tea boxes. I really do need to get better at that.
I’ve always loved classics and miss reading them, so hopefully 5 is manageable.
Thank you, Allie!
I think I have an unofficial policy to only buy two boxes of tea at a time. Or else I would be in your boat.
I am similarly awful at watching movies on Netflix. But I do watch plenty of old tv shows. Including The Office. Over and over.
Good luck with your goals!
I like that unofficial policy, I may have to start that this year.
All of these are awesome and you’ll totally be able to accomplish them!
Oh my god, I want to eat peanut brittle so bad now…must go to the store.
Peanut brittle is the best, yo!
Great goals! I know exactly what you mean about the tea thing, ha!
I also think it’s great that you are trying to improve your blog traffic. That’s something I should probably work on more. I think 2012 will be a great year for you!
I am glad other people out there understand the whole tea thing.
And yes, improving my blog and it’s stats and traffic is very important to me.
Thank you Liz!
You know, I hated fruits and veggies at the beginning of 2011, and my goal was to force myself to eat one every day, at least six days a week. It was ridiculously hard for about six months, and then something happened and suddenly they weren’t so bad anymore. By the end of the year, I actually like more of them than I dislike. I’m still picky about how I eat them and how they’re cooked and all, but I’m loads better than a year ago. You can get there too! 😀
That’s inspirational. I like fruit, but I hate veggies and would almost rather eat something packaged. I’m glad that you became A-okay with veggies, even if you are picky.
Thanks 🙂
Great list April! Setting goals is BEAST. I set a few for myself last year. I’ll share one simple one with you:
I made a goal for myself to read 50 books. And then I read 135.
This year I’m goaling to read 150. Booyah.
I really really love your idea to showcase other blogs. This is a really SUPER NICE and legit thing to do with your blog and your numbers, and could really help others out. I applaud you for that potential goal. You rock that cause it’s awesome!
You are awesome. And dude I think you will surpass 150 because you rock.
And I’m excited to show off other blogs. There are some amazing people out there!
These are great goals, your one about finishing a box of tea cracks me up. I have an entire shelf of teas so I understand! I think I can help you reach your audiobook goal though – you should sign up for the 2012 YA Audiobook Challenge! It’d take care of at least 12 of your goal of 24, and you’ll learn about great audiobooks/narrators from other participants :).
~ Jen @ A Book and a Latte
Jen, I will definitely sign up!
And word to the boxes of tea.
Thanks for dropping by 😀
Great goals! I had to laugh when I read your first item – because that’s me! I didn’t think anyone else did this. I love buying tea. We just moved a few months back, and the kitchen is much smaller – and I have no room for my teas! So they’re all sitting in a big box and I’m resolving to go through it bravely and give away any teas that I know I’m not going to drink.
It’s very gratifying to know that there are other tea hoarders out there and that I am not alone in this struggle.
You can do it, Belle! 😀
Oh my goodness, amen to the tea thing. My husband is always forbidding me to buy more tea, and I am always ignoring him. I have two weeks left in Couch to 5k and it is a really great pace, I think. Good luck! And I need to get through all my NetGalley backlist, too. I have 18 I need to read *wince*. Good luck with all of your goals, sounds like you have a productive year ahead!
Yes, we can totally be awesome and responsible and get through the Netgalley list.
I think we’re basically at the same week/pace in C25K.
Thank you, Lorren.
OMG, I thought I was the only one who did this with Netflix. I also pay just to watch a few things over and over. In my case it’s to re-watch The IT Crowd, Spaced, and Arrested Development over and over. And the really sad part is that I own the last two of those on DVD and can watch them for free any time I want, I’m just lazy and it’s easier to use the streaming. I lead a sad life.
I’m also with you on the painting my nails thing. I have like 40 bottles of OPI polish sitting upstairs in my closet and I’ll end up throwing it out because it’s gone bad instead of using it. Again, lazy.
Nice list of resolutions. I need to think of some of my own.
I definitely watch episodes of the Office that I have on DVD on netflix streaming.
Yo, word to being too lazy to paint nails. I think I’m going to do it while listening to an audiobook so I don’t feel like my time is too wasted.
Those are some great goals. I think I’m in your boat with the tea. I got six boxes of it for Christmas (five of the same kind) just because I was drinking it at a family thing. Plus I have a few other boxes unfinished.
My breakfast usually consists of coffee too.
I’m sure that you’ll get to your review goal!!
Thanks Jenn. How funny about your family getting you tea because you drank it. Sounds like something my family would do too!
I had to laugh when I read your first resolution. I have the same tendency! I always want to try new boxes of tea, and now I have a crapload of tea! Good luck with your resolutions. Here’s hoping I’ll make mine too!
Right, the new boxes are so attractive at the grocery store!
Good luck to you Natalie 😀
Ummmm paying to watch Office re-runs is TOTALLY me! I swear that’s like all I watch and I have like 180 movies/shows in my queue! I think I’ve watched each episode like 10x each! #lame!
Hello I think we are THE SAME PERSON. I have that much in my queue and I’ve def watched each episode around 10 times or more.
wow that is quite the list of resolutions! I think you covered everything! Good luck with them all.
I really need to figure out that SEO thing for my blog. Maybe I should have added that on to my list.
Here are my 2012 goals
SEO isn’t too hard once you get the hang of it. I personally subscribe to several blogs that have a bit to do with SEO — the DIYthemes blog, problogger, and copywriter. And I think I may end up subscribing to daily blog tips.
Thanks Michelle!
I am too scared to count how many tea boxes I have. My guess is 20… And some I don’t even really liked but wanted to try out because they sounded good! But yeah, tea hoarders unite!
I think I will be unofficially participating in the NetGalley month thing, cause I’m too lazy to make a post to declare myself. Maybe my new year’s resolution should be to be less lazy.. Hmm…
Good luck on all your goals and YES breakfast is good for you! As are vegetables, if you try to mix them into something you like with a delicious sauce or something most are acceptable 🙂
Word, I’m gratified to see how many tea hoarders there are in the book blogosphere.
Yeah, I’m not sure if my little resolution sounds as declaring myself.
YES to being less lazy.
Also, I totally ate breakfast today and felt like a champ for doing it.
I still hate veggies unless they are slathered in butter, ranch, or cheese.
I love your goals – some of your goals remind me of mine quite a bit. I hope you can get to all of them. Love the nail polish one – I have a huge basket of nail polish, but I rarely paint my nails and if I do, I use one of two colors.
I have probably four bottles of nail polish, but it’s pointless for me to have if I’ll never use them.
Best of luck with your goals, Erica!
Number 1….bahahaha!!!
Number 5….I am at 450 right now. I just may have to join you in the quest for 600. heehee
Number 14…mine are turquoise right now. = D
Great list!
450, I am so impressed! I wish I was as awesome as you when I was your age, but alas. Anyways, you can def get to 600!
I love turquoise!
I’ve got to say – I love your resolutions list! I think it’s great that it’s a mix of different tasks 🙂
Thanks Alexa! I like having a variety — some hard ones and some easy ones, so I can at least accomplish something.
You really should eat breakfast! It’s my favorite meal of the day. 😛 I have a similar problem when it comes to tea! They should probably come in smaller boxes/packages so it’s easier for us to finish them off. I also want to be better at painting my nails so I’ll try to do more of that this year.
I feel like painting nails is such a pain in the ass but it does create a nice overall look.
And yes, smaller boxes would be a perfect solution!
Impressive goals! I used to slack on painting my nails too, but then I started using Seche Vite topcoat, which dries quickly enough that I don’t have to avoid using my hands for three hours afterward. It’s more expensive than regular topcoat, but worth it.
I will definitely check that out 🙂
I love these goals, simple, realistic & totally achievable.
I’m interested in the Harry Potter cooking. I found a recipe for Butterbeer cuppa. You can find it on my blog if you haven’t tried it. Good in small doses. My next target is a Harry themed 3 course meal. Happy reading!
Thanks Sharlene!
I definitely try for achievable goals so I can feel good about it after.
I will totally look up the Butterbeer recipe, thanks for dropping by 😀
Great goals! I’m so with you on the tea box thing. I have countless numbers of opened and half drank boxes. Can tea go bad?!
Good luck on them all. Sigh, in my dreams would I even come close to 600 unique hits.
I don’t think it can. I mean, mine have expiration dates on them that say best used by, but you can’t get sick or anything. It just tastes less than fresh.
It’s possible to get 600 unique, you just have to make your content SEO optimized and do alt tags on every picture.
Paying off one of your bills will leave you with such a wonderful feeling, I guarantee it. We paid off my car last year (1.5 years early) and I was on the top of the world, all Titanic-like and whatnot.
Re: painting your fingernails — I used to be a big wuss about painting my fingernails. Unlike you, I wouldn’t even bother buying the polish. I’d see fun colors but never thought I’d be any good at painting my nails. Then my coworker told me a little trick. During the evening, slather on two coats of nail polish (as willy-nilly as you’d like). Then the next morning as you’re showering before work, peel the excess off around your skin.
For me, it’s fool-proof, and I don’t have to spend $30 on a manicure. And my nails looks fabulous!
Capillya you are a legit genius! How have I never heard of that awesome trick before.
I can definitely relate on the tea front. Both my husband and I have an interest in tea but it usually only lasts from the time it takes to buy it and get it home to my tea shelf. Then they sit there forever while I forget all about hot drinks 😛
I’m also super bad at painting my nails. I thought I was one of the only girls on the planet with this problem. It’s kind of nice to know I’m not the only one ;]