In Wicked Becomes You by Meredith Duran, Gwen Maudsley is a loaded heiress lacking a title. She’s pretty much everyone’s BFF and full of social grace and poise. Yet, these characteristics do not prevent her from being jilted at the alter not once, but TWICE.
After the second jilting, Gwen makes the decision to stop being so nice and start being wicked (oh and that makes me think of ‘when people stop being polite and start getting real ha ha). Of course, her idea of wicked is going to Moulin Rouge, singing in a cafe, and not responding politely to slights by the ton. Accompanying her on the journey to ‘naughty’ is Alex Ramsey, who is a bit of a rake and dislikes how proper Gwen is. He decides to oversee her change because of a promise made to Gwen’s dead brother/his BFF, Richard.
Let’s be real. I only mentioned two characters, a female character and a male character. This is a romance novel, so you better damn well believe that in Wicked Becomes You the sparks will totally fly between Gwen and Alex. On a scale of Amish to erotica, I would have to say that the sexytimes in Meredith Duran’s book definitely fall into the heated side of the scale. For real, it’s graphic. I read the sex scenes out loud to my boyfriend who was all, so this is lady porn huh? And I was all, sure dear, that’s what it is.
Some parts are REALLY slow and I could take or leave them. Like the subplot where Alex’s stupidass brother is conned into selling his valuable land for super cheap and Alex and Gwen have to go find proof of the con. Which was definitely boring and I was like good lord, can’t they just have sex or something or go to a ball.
I did enjoy Gwen’s emphasis on love. She sort of decides after her jilting that she doesn’t want to marry for a title, but definitely wants love. And well, I see people around me who date people for their money/what perks they can get, and I think this whole love thing is a good message. Don’t get me twisted though, this isn’t a message book at ALL. But yes, LOVE not perks.
I’m looking forward to trying out more by Duran, especially because Allison at The Allure Of Books just gave her a positive review, and yo that is someone I trust.
Disclosure: Won my copy from What Book Is That.
Other Reviews of Wicked Becomes You by Meredith Duran:
The Book Smugglers
Babbling About Books, And More
Once Upon A Twilight
Dear Author
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For real, her books are hotttt. I just finished Bound By Your Touch yesterday and the kisses alone – man. Lady porn indeed.
So yeah, glad you mostly liked this one. For me, a lot of the hist romance plots NOT involving the romance are pretty meh.
tsssssss it’s hot in here, there must be some sexytimes in the atmosphere.
ahem. so i think we should do that thing we dicussed in nyc, where we vlog sexytimes scenes, like sexytimes saturday or something like that. also ps no one steal that idea because that would be mean.
The closest I’ve ever come to lady porn is the Black Dagger Brotherhood. So is this hotter or less hot? And no I’m not joking when I ask that question because I am for real serious.
I’ve never been much on books with these crazy-looking covers (I’m a cover gal, and honestly, covers like this make me laugh.) But when you review them, I suddenly feel like I need to hop in my mommy-wagon and go get one and read read read. It’s your reviews, my dear, and not those lameass covers, that make me want to read these books. But I need to know where they fall in terms of BDB. Cause I’m all kinds of curious.