Agatha Christie And Stephen King Honorary Members Of My Midnight Society: Top Ten Authors I’d Die To Meet

Today’s Top Ten Tuesday hosted by The Broke And The Bookish is focused on the top ten authors I would die to meet.

First of all, I value my life way too much to die over meeting some author. HOWEVER, there are 10 authors that I would LOVE TO MEET.

1. The king of horror. I’d love to drink some beers and converse with Stephen King around the camp fire. I bet he’d have a great tale for the Midnight Society.

Stephen King looking like a creeper

He's Climbin' In Yo Windows

2. Neil Gaiman. I would geek out with my beak out over meeting him, if I indeed I had a beak.

Neil Gaiman

Under all that hair is a genius.

3. I’m pretty sure JK Rowling is actually a wizard. Also I would like to ask her where my Hogwarts letter is.

JK Rowling holding Harry Potter Book

Expecto Patronum!

4. I imagine Alexandre Dumas and I would bond over a bottle of wine and stories of adventure.

Alexandre Dumas Straight Thuggin

Straight Thuggin'

5. I bet if Agatha Christie was at my Stephen King camp fire the earth would explode with the melding of two genius authors, because she would do the mystery aspect and he would do the horror and WHOA.

Agatha Christie Reading A Newspaper

You kids get off my lawn!

6. You know how people occasionally get freebies in their relationships. Ya’ll look at sexy Jack Kerouac. I’d want to meet him in this stage, where he is lookin’ good and not corpselike. YES PLZ!

Jack Kerouac looking sexy


7. Patrick Rothfuss is someone who I imagine would be awesome to go shot for shot with while discussing fantasy novels. Also he has a badass beard.

Patrick Rothfuss is really gnome

Also, Patrick Rothfuss is truly a gnome.

8. T.H. White, look at his mug and tell me he wouldn’t be an awesome dude to have at a dinner party. ALSO ALSO, he wrote one of my favorite Arthurian retellings EVER The Once And Future King.

TH White looking grumpy


9. Marion Zimmer Bradley who wrote my second favorite author retelling EVER: THE MISTS OF MUTHAFUCKIN AVALON! Well, that’s not quite the title, but I remember loving her book so hard even though a certain student teacher tried to discourage me from reading it because of the sex scenes. UM, lady, those are my favorite bits!

Also MZB strikes me as feminist and I think we’d have a lot to talk about.

Marion Zimmer Bradley

Marion Zimmer Bradley

10. Owner of Hellhounds, writer of books with kickass female characters and creative retellings, I think Robin McKinley would be someone I could have coffee with.

Robin McKinley Hellhounds

Taming the hellhounds

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April is in her 30s and created Good Books And Good Wine. She works for a non-profit. April always has a book on hand. In her free time she can be found binge watching The Office with her husband and toddler, spending way too much time on Pinterest or exploring her neighborhood.

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About April (Books&Wine)

April is in her 30s and created Good Books And Good Wine. She works for a non-profit. April always has a book on hand. In her free time she can be found binge watching The Office with her husband and toddler, spending way too much time on Pinterest or exploring her neighborhood.


  1. Deb Nance at Readerbuzz says

    Fabulous list! Excellent selection of fun authors.

    Here’s my Top Twenty-Seven Authors I’d Love to Meet (Sorry, I Couldn’t Stop at Ten). I hope you will stop by. Also, don’t forget to enter my July Giveaway.

  2. You and I have a lot in common. Great list!

  3. Wow – I totally want to join your midnight society!! (And any reference to Nickelodeon shows from the 1990’s rocks my world!)

  4. YESSSSSS!!!!

  5. FUN post! I love your intros to these amazing writers (even if a few are ones I have yet to experience.)

  6. Your list is so freakin awesome.

  7. Ha! Your list is awesome! Great choices!

  8. The Mist of Avalon! I read this my freshmen year in high school and LOVED IT! I totatlly forgot about this book.

  9. Yes to J.K. Rowling and Robin McKinley! I should’ve participated in this meme yesterday but I doubt that I could stop at just 10. 😛

  10. Imagining a camp fire surrounded by horror writers is pretty awesome. I would invite Poe.
    Come visit me at The Scarlet Letter.

  11. your blend of contemporary and classic taste will never fail to amaze me. also, Dumas is totally thug life.

  12. Those are some rock solid choices there, April. I love that you loved THE MISTS OF AVALON so much. I blew through that series way back when and thoroughly enjoyed it.

  13. Great list! Agatha Christie would have been on mine but I only included living authors. I loved her books as a teen. I liked The Mists of Avalon too. I read it after watching the movie.

  14. Crap, I forgot Agatha Christie! I had Stephen King too, your picture of him is perfect (do you think he’d be a freak in real life too?! **shudders*)

  15. Very nice list! I imagine Agatha would be a hoot! I’d add Jane Austen.

  16. Lol. “Patrick Rothfuss is truly a gnome.” Made me LAUGH!
    I have Neil Gaiman on my list too. And If you’d like to read a rather embarrassing account of the time I actually got to meet Stephen King, then take a look at My Top Ten and a SHAMEFUL memory

  17. The Once and Future King and Mists of Avalon have been my favorites for quite some time as well. However, my list did not include these authors.