Tuesday Ten – Suzana of Bookalicious

Tuesday Ten is a weekly feature which showcases book-bloggers and authors. If you would like to be featured on the Tuesday Ten, please email me at goodbooksandgoodwine[@]gmail.com

This week’s feature interviwee is Suzana of Bookalicious

It’s your time to shine! Tell me a bit about yourself:

My name is Suzana, I’m 24 and I live in one of the smallest countries in Europe. Obviously, I’m a book fanatic! My life revolves around books both personally and professionally, and since books are something I could talk about all day and all night and pretty much forever, I decided to start my own book blog Bookalicious a few months ago. It’s small and personal, but I do try to update it frequently with various book related news, memes, occassional interviews and obviously reviews of all the books I’ve read. I mostly read female fiction, be it adult or YA, historical or contemporary. Feel free to stop by and have a look! 🙂

What book do you constantly recommend?
I can’t really recommend one book as I think it depends more on the person, but generally I really think everyone should read We Need to Talk about Kevin by Lionel Shriver or The Time Traveler’s Wife by Audrey Niffenegger or Wintergirls (!!!) by Laurie H. Anderson, those are some of my favourite books. I also strongly recommend The Collector by John Fowles and 1984 by George Orwell if you’re into the so-called classic. If you’re looking for some fun reading, then you simply must read Sophie Kinsella (my favourite author, she’s fantastic) or something by Jodi Picoult if you’re into more thought-provoking reads. As for YA, I really recommend Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver – it comes out next year, but I’ve had a chance to read it and it’s absolutely fantastic! Hmm, maybe that’s a book I’ll be constantly recommending from now on … 🙂

What is the craziest thing you’ve ever done?
I don’t do a lot of crazy things, but the only stuff that comes to mind is really inappropriate for a book blog so I think I’ll pass on this one, hehe.

Who is your literary/fictional crush?
Now that’s an easy one: Luke Brandon from the Shopaholic series by Sophie Kinsella! He’s British (very important!), charming, funny, lovely, assertive, rich, successful, ambitious, caring, reliable, kind and oooh, I could go on forever. I have a tendency to develop a crush on all the leading male characters in Sophie’s books, she always comes up with the most dreamy guys!

If you could have dinner with any author who would it be and what would you eat?
Sorry for being so repetetively, but I’d have to go with Sophie Kinsella again or possibly Jodi Picoult, they’re both amazing high-profile authors that also seem really interesting. As for debut authors, I think it would be fun to hang out with Lauren Oliver (author of Before I Fall) or Zoë Foster (author of Air Kisses) – I’ve “spoken” to both of them over email and they both seem great and I’d love to chat with them! But whoever it would be, I’d order a nice vegetable soup, French fries and a big slice of chocolate cake! I don’t really care what the other person is having, I’m sticking to my menu, which clearly shows that eating healthy is very important to me. 😉
Do you drink any beverages while reading?
Not really, I’d be worried I’d spill it all over my book!
What is your earliest memory pertaining to books and reading?
My memory is horrible and I don’t really remember *anything* before I was like five or six. So the first vivid memory I have is going to my first school library and picking out a picture book. I remember it made me really happy and I can still see the illustrations, heh.

Did you enjoy the books you had to read for school? Why or why not?
Not always, but there were some books I really enjoyed. I moaned about a few (I remember thatThe Sorrows of Young Werther and Madame Bovary really annoyed me), but generally I didn’t mind reading books I normally perhaps wouldn’t and discovering interesting new authors.
What genre is your bookcase full of?
Generally, there are quite a lot of chick lit books, but there are also many historical reads and a few (modern) classics. Lately though, there’s been a huge increase in YA fiction on my bookcase after I’ve discovered all the great YA book blogs, hehe!

Tell me a joke:
Oh, gosh, you got me know. I remember reading some good ones in Lucy in the Sky by Paige Toon where the two main characters often told jokes to each other, but I don’t have the time to look them up. I remember one and I googled it and here it is:

Two nuns, Sister Catherine and Sister Helen, are traveling through Europe in their car. They get to Transylvania and are stopped at a traffic light. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a tiny vampire jumps onto the hood of the car and hisses through the windshield.
“Quick, quick!” shouts Sister Catherine. “What shall we do?”
“Turn the windshield wipers on. That will get rid of the abomination,” says Sister Helen.
Sister Catherine switches them on, knocking the vampire about, but he clings on and continues hissing at the nuns. “What shall I do now?” she shouts.
“Switch on the windshield washer. I filled it up with Holy Water at the Vatican,” says Sister Helen. Sister Catherine turns on the windshield washer. the vampire screams as the water burns his skin, but he clings on and continues hissing at the nuns.
“Now what?” shouts Sister Catherine.
“Show him your cross,” says Sister Helen.
“Now you’re talking,” says Sister Catherine.
She opens the window and shouts, “Get the fuck off the car, you fucking idiot!”

(Does this make sense in the US too or is it more of a British thing?)

Finally, how do you feel about banned books? Have you read any, if so what are your favorites?

Honestly, I couldn’t care less which books are banned so I don’t have a favourite. All I know is that I’m strongly against the banning of books and just the thought that the Harry Potter books or The Da Vinci Code or The Catcher in the Rye might be banned somewhere gives me a headache. I’m sorry to hear that such stupid things are still happening in the 21st century, but I honestly don’t pay too much attention to it; however, if something like that happened in my country, then I wouldn’t hesitate to voice my protest.

Thank you so much!


Thank you for the lovely questions and sorry for babbling so much, eek! 🙂
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April is in her 30s and created Good Books And Good Wine. She works for a non-profit. April always has a book on hand. In her free time she can be found binge watching The Office with her husband and toddler, spending way too much time on Pinterest or exploring her neighborhood.
About April (Books&Wine)

April is in her 30s and created Good Books And Good Wine. She works for a non-profit. April always has a book on hand. In her free time she can be found binge watching The Office with her husband and toddler, spending way too much time on Pinterest or exploring her neighborhood.


  1. Michelle (Red Headed Book Child) says

    Hi Suzana! I checked out your blog and am now following you.