With the grace of the gods, I have been given Saturday off, which means I will be able to participate in all 24 Hours of the Dewey 24 Hour Read-A-Thon. Several blogs have posted potential books they will be reading for the event, and I have decided to be the good little lemming that I am and post a picture of my potential books too!
Here is a photo of my potential pile:
Latest posts by April (Books&Wine) (see all)
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"Life As We Knew It" is in my Readathon pile as well. Other than that the only one of these books I've read is "The Secret History of the Pink Carnation," which I think is a fantastic Readathon book.
Ooh…most excellent reading stack!
I look forward to being a cheerleader for you!
With 3 little boys in the house, this is just not possible for me right now! Have fun with it
I've got Coraline in my pile as well! Life As We Knew It is soooo good and it will definitely keep you up!
oh my gosh i LOVE bunicula π it's so sweet and cute. tell me how u like it π
You go girl! Very very cool!
I hope you get to Love is the Higher Law…I want to read that book. I was thinking about picking it up last weekend…hmmm maybe next trip to the store. I can't wait for your thoughts on it!!!
Great mix of books. There should be something there to interest you even at 3 a.m.
I also have Life As We Knew It in my readathon pile! And aw, Bunnicula! Those were some of my favorite books as a kid.
Oooh, nice pile !
By the way, a little bird told me that something awaited you here. Enjoy !
My SIL said Coraline is good, but it might be too dark for my tastes. Enjoy the Read-a-thon!
There are quite a few books in your read-a-thon pile that I've been wanting to read. Good luck and have fun!
I have The Secret History of the Pink Carnation around here somewhere. I might have to pull it out now that I've seen it on your list. Good luck!
Can't wait till you read Pink Carnation!