Tiffany Sly Lives Here Now by Dana L. Davis | Audiobook Review

I received this book for free from Library, Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Tiffany Sly Lives Here Now by Dana L. Davis | Audiobook ReviewTiffany Sly Lives Here Now by Dana L. Davis
Narrator: Dana L. Davis
Length: 9 Hours 23 Minutes
Published by Harlequin on May 1, 2018
Genres: Young Adult Fiction, Family, Siblings, People & Places, United States, African American, Diversity & Multicultural, Social Themes, Friendship
Pages: 304
Format: Audiobook, eARC
Source: Library, Publisher
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“I’ve got seven days to come clean to my new dad. Seven days to tell the truth…”

For sixteen-year-old Tiffany Sly, life hasn’t been safe or normal for a while. Losing her mom to cancer has her a little bit traumatized and now she has to leave her hometown of Chicago to live with the biological dad she’s never known.

Anthony Stone is a rich man with four other daughters—and rules for every second of the day. Tiffany tries to make the best of things, but she doesn’t fit into her new luxurious, but super-strict, home—or get along with her standoffish sister London. The only thing that makes her new life even remotely bearable is the strange boy across the street. Marcus McKinney has had his own experiences with death, and the unexpected friendship that blossoms between them is the only thing that makes her feel grounded.

But Tiffany has a secret. Another man claims he’s Tiffany’s real dad—and she has only seven days before he shows up to demand a paternity test and the truth comes out. With her life about to fall apart all over again, Tiffany finds herself discovering unexpected truths about her father, her mother and herself, and realizing that maybe family is in the bonds you make—and that life means sometimes taking risks.

Why Did I Listen To Tiffany Sly Lives Here Now by Dana L. Davis?

I can always count on contemporary young adult books to be decent audiobooks. I don’t have to do double work of imagining a fantasy world while also listening to the plot. So, Tiffany Sly Lives Here Now by Dana L. Davis hit the sweet spot for me. PLUS, it is a book with a Black girl on the cover. AND! It was on Hoopla easily available to download and listen to. Straight up, I just love contemporary books via audio. I am happy to say that Tiffany Sly Lives Here Now absolutely lived up to my expectations.

What’s The Story Here?

Tiffany Sly is a sixteen year old Black girl who was living in Chicago with her mother. Unfortunately, her mother died of cancer and so she must go and live with the father she has never known. She ends up moving to California to live with her father, Anthony Stone. He’s a wealthy OB-GYN. Tiffany also discovers that she’s got four new sisters and a stepmother. However, she chafes against her father’s rules — he is a very strict Jehovah’s Witness. However, this may only be temporary for Tiffany. You see, another man who is much more similar to Tiffany is now claiming to be her father and he’s getting a paternity test in seven days. One week is not nearly enough time for her to make a decision about the test, but she’s going to find out regardless. Will she like the answer?

How Did I Like Tiffany Sly Lives Here Now?

So, I am not totally in the Book Internets world as much these days. Other bloggers and bookstagramers and bookfluencers could be shouting this read from the rooftops for all I know. I could be wrong? Anyways. THIS BOOK IS SO GOOD. I AM GETTING SHOUTY I LIKED IT SO MUCH. Listen, we need to read stories about Black girls. AND the cherry on top? Tiffany is so interesting and compelling and I just loved her. She’s got this wonderful taste in music. She has very strong opinions. Overall, she comes across as quite unique and also so kind. I also think that this book was well paced. Tiffany Sly Lives Here Now was EVERYTHING I wanted in an audiobook and I am so glad it was able to live up to my expectations.

How’s The Narration?

The audiobook is narrated by the author and normally everyone who reads this blog knows I don’t care for that. THIS TIME IS AN EXCEPTION. Dana L. Davis is actually a good narrator. Part of what made me like Tiffany Sly Lives Here Now was that her narration was SO likable. She’s got a sort of young sounding voice — at least for narrating this book. It just worked. I found myself wanting to keep listening and find out what would happen next and how all would play out. So, okay, now I am a fan for life of Davis and truly cannot wait for her next book.

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April is in her 30s and created Good Books And Good Wine. She works for a non-profit. April always has a book on hand. In her free time she can be found binge watching The Office with her husband and toddler, spending way too much time on Pinterest or exploring her neighborhood.
About April (Books&Wine)

April is in her 30s and created Good Books And Good Wine. She works for a non-profit. April always has a book on hand. In her free time she can be found binge watching The Office with her husband and toddler, spending way too much time on Pinterest or exploring her neighborhood.