Allison’s 2014 Recap/2015 Resolutions


So, what happened to me in 2014?

In January, I started classes as an online student at USC. I took three classes (twelve credits) and had to learn how to adapt to watching lectures on my computer and participate in discussions on Blackboard. I also had to re-learn how to dedicate myself to reading from textbooks and doing homework assignments and projects. It was the beginning of a new adventure for me – one that I was so glad to be taking on.


I still remember getting the text message from my best friend that said something along the lines of “Call me. It’s important”. I was at work at the time but I was able to step away for a few minutes to call her. Admittedly a hundred different scenarios were running through my head due to previous situations but at soon as I heard her voice I knew that I didn’t have to worry. All she said to me was “I have something to tell you…” and I knew exactly what it was. She had gotten engaged! I was so happy for her and her now fiancé’ who is a great guy in his own right. Of course, after this news, it was difficult to return to work but somehow I did it, and now I have a wedding to help plan for (December 19th, 2015).


March wasn’t a very pleasant month. I spent the beginning of it sick with a head cold …. and it ended with a stomach bug that wound up going through my work place. The stomach bug was terrible. Luckily, it only lasted a couple of days, although it knocked so much out of me that it took so much out of me that it took even longer to recover. I was so glad when it was all done and over with.


April was a pretty busy month with the end of the semester quickly approaching. I had a lot of papers and projects which needed to be completed. And while I may have been a bit bogged down by all of this, I was also able to start looking forward to Book Expo America 2014 as our preparations were officially being put into place. All and all I couldn’t wait for the semester to be over with and for my vacation to officially begin.


My semester officially ended in May, and I finished with an overall GPA of 3.90. I was really happy with this, and relieved that I could finally take some time off. Or at least that is what I thought. Until I realized that my four-week summer class started the day that we left for New York City to attend BEA ’14. Oi Vey! It was definitely an interesting experience trying to finish my classwork while also attending all BEA related events. I didn’t let it put too much of a damper on my trip though and wound up having an amazing time attending my third Book Expo America. So many good moments, so many good memories!


BEA 14

My first post-BEA read was also my introduction to Gayle Forman. I have no idea why I waited so long to read If I Stay but I really glad to say that I have now read it, and I cannot wait to read more by her. Other than that my main focus in June was my summer class which was only four weeks long but was very intense. I felt like I really learned a lot from it, and was able to pass it with an A! Now I officially on summer vacation.


Fourth of July weekend was spent at a local beach with some of my closest friends. It was the perfect way to bring in the holiday, and to spend some quality time with some of the amazing people in my life. The only downside? I got really sunburnt on the back of my legs which made it difficult to sit down. “Burnt buns!” It was still a fun time and added another fun story to the collection.


In August I took a trip down to Staten Island to reunite with a good friend from college prior to having a girl’s weekend in Delaware. It was a really fun weekend. Exactly what I needed prior to the start of the fall semester. So many laughs, and smiles, and good memories were made. I’m already looking forward to seeing what we decide to do in 2015!


Fall semester was in full swing starting in September. I was once again taking three classes (twelve credits). Sadly, at the beginning of the semester one of our cats became really ill, and wound up passing away. It was hard at first, especially since he was my dad’s cat, but little by little it became easier to accept. Another highlight that happened in September that my friend from college (the one in Staten Island) got engaged and is getting married in 2016!


October allowed for a nice break from reality as my best friend and I took an overnight trip to Albany to do some shopping and see the Newsies tour. We also took a short visit to our alma mater UAlbany as well. It was good to take some time to relax and forget about the difficulties associated with work and school. Trust me, it much needed at that point.


November brought me something that I admittedly wondered would ever happen again: my uncle came home for a visit from Oregon. It was the first time that he had been home in 18 years. The last time I saw him I was nine years old. It was so good to see him and talk to him in person and to have our family together again.


Uncle Mark & I

Another semester was completed at USC! I finished this one with an overall GPA of 3.82. December also brought more hours at work and the joys of the holiday. I have also been able to read more because I have some free time on my hands. Honestly, it had been really nice, and it was nice to ring in the New Year with some of the best people in my life.


And now that 2014 is over, what would I like to see myself do in 2015?

  • Graduate from USC (May ’15).
  • Help plan my best friend’s wedding (Dec. 19th, 2015).
  • Find a new job or at least be on the pathway to a new job after graduation.
  • Drink more water/less soda.
  • Travel somewhere I’ve never been.
  • Learn to do something crafty.
  • Participate more in the book blogging world.
  • Read The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings trilogy.
  • Attend BEA ’15? I’m hopeful that I will be able to.
  • BE HAPPY!! Enjoy my life.


What about you? What were some exciting events that occurred in 2014? What would you like to see happen in 2015?

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Allison is 27 years old. She is always looking for new books, good music, quality/epic adventures, and a normal sleep schedule. She currently works with the elderly.


  1. Busy year! But seems like it was a good one. 🙂

    I need to drink more water too. I don’t drink much of anything really, so I’m always dehydrated. I really need to work on that. But I am doing the Blogilates flat abs challenge which includes increasing the water you drink, so I’m trying!

  2. Sounds like a good year. Your GPA is awesome! Have you read Where She Went yet? I liked it even better than If I Stay. Adam’s song lyrics are beautiful and heart-wrenching. Here’s to a fab 2015!

  3. Crafty!!!! If you need tips or pointers or ideas on getting your craft on, just holla!