No matter how you slice it, the fact of the matter is that I am a fan of both zombie vegetables AND mystery solving animals. I also quite like old school book covers and vampiric rabbits. Of course, I really took to The Celery Stalks At Midnight by James Howe, third in the Bunnicula series, gobbling it up during the April 2012 Dewey Readathon in an hour or so.
I did not read the second in the series, Howliday Inn, but I did not find myself confused, after all these books are aimed at children and haha I am good at filling in the blanks. Also, the author, James Howe does a bang up job at providing backstory so you aren’t left totally confused or anything.
Bunnicula, the vampire bunny, has mysteriously disappeared from his cage. The gardens in the neighborhood are beginning to fill with zombie vegetables that are white because they have no blood. Chester, Harold, and Howie the new puppy must figure out where Bunnicula went and prevent him from making new zombies.
Bro, this book, The Celery Stalks At Midnight is cute to the fifth power. Seriously, Chester the cat is the shit and he totally has my heart. Howie the puppy is mad annoying though, but oh my gosh do I LOVE mysteries and seeing the game try to solve it. It sucks to admit this but even as an adult I was not able to figure out what the solution was until the very end. I would say that you should grab this book for a laugh, if you have kids, or if you need something to pull you through a late hour at a readathon because it isn’t too terribly taxing and is at heart, a fun read.
Disclosure: Purchased copy at a library sale.
Other reviews of The Celery Stalks At Midnight by James Howe:
Story Snoops – “a suspenseful and funny mystery”
Bunnicula Series Order:
Bunnicula (Book One)
Howliday Inn (Book Two)
The Celery Stalks At Midnight (Book Three)
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I remember Bunnicula! We used to get these magazines in primary school and I think they were the books split into parts. I’m so glad to hear that the books are still around, I’ll have to track down some copies.
I love that the mystery stumped you, I am sure I wouldn’t be able to figure it out either!
Hahaa ahh I have never heard of…this. Bunnicula- so cute. If I ever get a rabbit that is the name I will be going with. I love it when kid mysteries stump adults- I think it means the author did a good job and avoided being patronising. I will definitely look out for these books x
First of all, read Howliday Inn! I remember that being a favorite when I was a kid. This whole series was a lot of fun though and you brought back some good memories for me here. I really want to start getting back into some of these books again. I want the original yellow hardback Nancy Drew books SOOO BADD. As soon as I move to me permanent home, I am getting them. Thanks, April!
Ha ha! Thank you for making this cover show up in my reader! I can’t remember if I ever read it, but I definitely remember staring at the cover in wonder many many times!
I might have snorted when I saw this pop up on my reader… I don’t think I’ve ever heard of this series but I’m suddenly feeling very depressed that I never read these as a kid. Okay, just looked at the cover and laughed again. Depression gone. 🙂
That is so awesome your reviewed this! I totally loved this series when I was in 4th grade, and Howliday Inn was my favorite!
Sounds really good! I’m going to try to get my hands on these books ASAP 😀
I love that you reviewed this! This was one of my favorite series when I was a kid, and to this day I still associate the name Chester with cats. Love it!
I loved the Bunnicula books when I was in 3rd grade and I love them now as an adult. The humor is perfect for adults and kids alike.
Thank you for bringing this series to my attention! You had me had “Zombie vegetables!” 🙂
The title of this book still makes me laugh.
This book is a classic. I really want to reread some of my childhood favorites, and this would be a must.
I also have a serious yen to read me some Animorphs. Dude, you should host a readathon where people are only allowed to read childhood favorites, no review titles! It would be AWESOME.
Oh my gosh!!! I totally forgot about this book. I remember loving these when I was young.