First Rate Friday

In the spirit of community-building and all around awesome-ness comes the meme First Rate Friday, hosted by Mel…He Followed Me. Call this a weekly round up of fantastic links, promotion of my fellow bloggers, or commendation of a job well done.

I think when you post something that gets my gears in motion, you absolutely deserve some recognition for it!

First up, The Book Blogger Hop hosted by Crazy For Books. Check it out, find some new blogs, pop in and say hello to others. Book blogging is a huge community and it definitely makes a world of difference when you are welcoming and have the kindness to leave a comment.

Second on base, is Why YA Romance Needs To Change by Choco from In Which A Girl Reads. Agree or disagree, she makes excellent points, and well what she has written is certainly food for thought.

Third down is a post made of awesome by Waste Paper Prose entitled Don’t Hate The Blogger, Hate The Game, in which she addresses some of the negativity going around the blogosphere, and why we should support each other instead of fighting.I agree with her 100%.

Fourth, Jillian at Random Rumblings has a rant on Best Seller Lists and I feel that I agree with her. Anyways, be sure to read her thoughts, they are rather interesting.

Fifth, Kate at the Neverending Shelf is hosting a Clear Away The Clutter ReadAThon. I love Readathons and can’t wait to get some ARCs finished/reviewed/and donated to the library/given away.

Speaking of Readathons, The Dewey 24 Hour ReadAThon is April 10th, so put that on your calendar, it’ll be tons of fun!

Justice Jennifer Reads has a GREAT review of Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert which makes me want to read it all over again.

Khy at The Frenetic Reader has a great post on Why Contemporary Fiction Rocks

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April is in her 30s and created Good Books And Good Wine. She works for a non-profit. April always has a book on hand. In her free time she can be found binge watching The Office with her husband and toddler, spending way too much time on Pinterest or exploring her neighborhood.

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About April (Books&Wine)

April is in her 30s and created Good Books And Good Wine. She works for a non-profit. April always has a book on hand. In her free time she can be found binge watching The Office with her husband and toddler, spending way too much time on Pinterest or exploring her neighborhood.


  1. Greetings. Just found your blog through the Blog Hop. I love the Ellis Peters books.

  2. Nicole (Linus's Blanket) says

    Thanks for the great collection of links. There were a few nice reads that I had missed.

  3. Manderiffic says

    Blog hopping through! 🙂

    Thanks for the comment. Maureen Johnson is one of my favorite authors. Have you read anything by her?

    I'm a tad embarrassed by my neopets addiction…maybe if I was a kid and not 25 and married. Haha.

    Your blog is super gorgeous. I'm following. 🙂

  4. Mel (He Followed Me Home) says

    It was too funny as I was talking with my BFF about YA romance yesterday then started reading Choco's post (I love the YA angst!)

    Prior to blogging (And GR) I used Bestseller lists – I'm sure missed out on a lot of great books over the years!

    Great link, thanks for sharing April 🙂

  5. readerbuzz says

    Somehow I've missed your blog until now. I've just become a follower.

  6. The1stdaughter says

    Love this post! I always love seeing all the great posts, either as repeats/reminders or as things I need to go check out. Thanks so much!

  7. Followed from the blog Hop. Love your button!