Why Did I Listen To Meet The Frugalwoods by Elizabeth Willard Thames? I have read the Frugalwoods blog for years. You see, I like reading about personal finance and about being frugal. Do I believe that skipping a latte will make me set for retirement? No. However, I do think that cutting back in certain […]
Meet The Frugalwoods by Elizabeth Willard Thames | Audiobook Review
You Need A Budget by Jesse Mecham | Book Review

I love books about personal finance. So, of course You Need a Budget: The Proven System for Breaking the Paycheck-to-Paycheck Cycle, Getting Out of Debt, and Living the Life You Want by Jesse Mecham hit the MUST READ spot for me. I know that reading about personal finance is a little bit of a niche interest. […]
Well That Escalated Quickly by Franchesca Ramsey | Book Review

Well, That Escalated Quickly by Franchesca Ramsey IMMEDIATELY appealed to me. Friends, I am like okay at social justice. There is a whole lot that I have to learn, right. So, this book felt like a great opportunity to learn about being a better activist. ALSO, I am one of those people who has retweeted […]
Ask A Manager by Alison Green | Audiobook Review

Why Did I Listen To Ask A Manager by Alison Green? Ask A Manager: How To Navigate Clueless Colleagues, Lunch Stealing Bosses And The Rest Of Your Life At Work by Alison Green REALLY appealed to me. I enjoy reading her blog time to time. Personally, I love career related books. As a supervisor, I am […]
House of Dreams: The Life of L.M. Montgomery by Liz Rosenberg | Book Review

House Of Dreams: The Life Of L.M. Montgomery by Liz Rosenberg is appealing for obvious reasons. I goddamn love me some Anne Shirley. So, it stands to reason that I would be pumped to read a book about the life of Anne’s creator. Plus, the title is totally a play on one of the titles from […]
Deep Dark Blue by Polo Tate | Book Review

Why Did I Read Deep Dark Blue by Polo Tate? Deep Dark Blue by Polo Tate is one of those books that stands out simply because we are in the age of #MeToo. Tate’s voice is such an important part of the conversation. For me, personally, I find it important to read memoirs of women […]