Why Did I Listen To The Boy Most Likely To by Huntley Fitzpatrick? A few years ago, back when getting a review copy from Penguin Young Readers was like cracking the Rosetta Stone code, I had somehow, magically, managed to get my hands upon the most epic package in my life — receiving that package […]
The Boy Most Likely To by Huntley Fitzpatrick | Audiobook Review
Atlantia by Ally Condie | Audiobook Review
Why Did I Listen To This Book? I had decided to listen to Atlantia by Ally Condie because I quite enjoyed Matched, her debut novel, and sort of enjoyed Crossed and Reached. Out of all the audiobooks on my list it had appealed to me the most because it was different. I am used to reading about fantasy worlds, […]
Survive The Night by Danielle Vega | Book Review
Do you all remember the early 00s when teen horror movies were all the rage? The era when Scream reigned supreme? Survive The Night by Danielle Vega hearkens back to that era. This pink covered book reads like a horrific thrill ride. Vega’s second book is a quick, engrossing, and creepy read perfect for fans […]
Don’t Fail Me Now by Una LaMarche | Book Review
I love when young adult contemporary books have characters who have bigger problems then where they are going for their international senior trip or prom. I loved it when contemporary books feel grounded in a reality that I can somewhat relate to a little bit. Don’t Fail Me Now by Una LaMarche is one of those […]
The Wrath And The Dawn by Renee Ahdieh | Audiobook Review
Why Did I Listen To This Book? I am that one person who always always always falls prey to hype and I don’t even care. I am okay with it. I am totally okay with being excited about books that everyone else is infectious about. There’s something magical about being part of the bookish community […]
The Mad Apprentice by Django Wexler | Audiobook Review
Why Did I Listen To This Book? Last year I read and really enjoyed Django Wexler’s The Forbidden Library, a book about a girl named Alice who is sent to live in Pittsburgh with her Uncle Geryon and who then discovers that she has this magical ability which makes her a Reader. The Mad Apprentice is a […]