If you are new to trying audiobooks, a short listen might be right up your alley. These 5 audiobooks under 5 hours long are not a huge time commitment. I think of it as being a taste of the wonderful world of audiobooks. They are a way to ease into listening to books. And honestly, […]
5 Audiobooks Under 5 Hours
Five Adult Audiobooks For Every Type Of Reader

I don’t know about you all, but I feel like one of the best things in life is reading a variety of books. I cannot limit myself to just one type. This kind of thing also follows me into the audiobooks that I listen to. Below are a sampling of five audiobooks for adults that […]
Design The Life You Love by Ayse Birsel | Book Review

So, when I was offered a spot on the Design The Life You Love blog tour – I jumped a little bit with excitement. I love reading books about self improvement and creativity and going after your dreams. I then got the book in the mail and proceeded to flip through a few pages – even […]
Better Than Before: Mastering The Habits Of Our Everyday Lives by Gretchen Rubin | Book Review

I first became aware of Gretchen Rubin when a blogger I admire reviewed The Happiness Project years ago. I purchased a copy immediately, intending to read it. That copy has collected dust on my shelf for years. However, I ended up subscribing to Rubin’s blog which to my mind was kind of the same thing as reading The […]