15 Day Book Blogger Challenge | Day 6

I am having so much fun doing these posts, y’all. And still learning all the things from each of you, which is so awesome! Anyways, today’s prompt is all about how we shop for books, because let’s face it, plenty of us would go without new shoes, food, and cable before we go without books. […]

15 Day Book Blogger Challenge | Day 5

Wow, you guys, with this post we are one third of the way through the challenge! I am still clicking through everyone’s posts from prompt 1, but I am finding all of your answers to be fascinating and interesting. Also? There are so many new to me blogs that I am excited to check out. […]

15 Day Book Blogger Challenge | Day 4

Today’s prompt is all about the rage AND THE FEELS. I am actually pretty excited for this post and you know, it’s okay to not like books, because there are other people out there who WILL like the book that you did not enjoy, so with this prompt I just want us to bond over […]

15 Day Book Blogger Challenge | Day 3

Today’s prompt is kind of one of my favorites, it is all about blogging BFFs. Now, I don’t mean to turn this into a discussion of discuss the clique you are in because that is stupid, but more of, who are the people you’ve really become close to in your time as a book blogger. […]

15 Day Book Blogger Challenge | Day 2

Today’s prompt is about your bed time routine, which is kind of perfect for my typing this up as right now it is almost 8 p.m. and I am about to do my own routine as soon as I get done typing and scheduling this post. If you are curious what this is all about, […]

15 Day Book Blogger Challenge | Day 1

Let’s kick this challenge off and get some things off our chests. Friends, I have some bookish quirks and habits and secrets and literally cannot wait to share them with you all, also I can’t wait to learn about your bookish confessions in return. This post is part of a 15 Day Book Blogger Challenge […]