The Bridge From Me To You by Lisa Schroeder | Book Review

I get onto these kicks where I just want to read from one genre and that’s it, because the genre is really working for me. Lately, that genre has been young adult contemporary. The Bridge From Me To You by Lisa Schroeder is a YA contemporary book that has been on my shelf for years. Now […]

Tell Me Everything by Sarah Enni | Book Review

Another day, another random pick from the TBR cart. Tell Me Everything by Sarah Enni vastly appealed to me at the time of choosing because it is a slim volume. And as you all know, my mission right now is to just get through some books on my shelf and clear out some much needed space. […]

5 YA Contemporary Books For Your Staycation

Like me, you might still mostly be staying home, given coronavirus. You might also still have time available in your vacation bank at work. While I do love traveling and going places and having new experiences, I also greatly enjoy a good staycation. My home is a place that I love to be in and […]

5 Young Adult Books To Read Right Now

The thing about being a book blogger is that so much of my reading time tends to be based around review copies. Sure, there’s plenty to choose from and I can just follow my moods. Sometimes though, I like reading a good risk free, obligation free book. The Map From Here To There by Emery Lord […]

8 Young Adult Books You Might Have Overlooked

One of the best and worst things about being a voracious reader is reading and coming across so many under the radar books. A few of these end up being hits for me and a few are duds. The young adult books below are a mix – a few were simply amazing and some I […]

5 Under The Radar YA Books

I feel like sometimes with all the hype that surrounds certain YA books, there’s some really great books that get drowned out. The books below are a collection of five books that I thought were fairly under the radar. Hopefully at least of these books is a hidden gem for you and you find yourself […]