15 Day Book Blogger Challenge | Day 7

Combine open bar with fun music and my boyfriend’s very large, very Italian family and I kind of had a little too much fun last night, hence the challenge post being up kind of late today instead of the usual 12 a.m. EST which I have been scheduling it for. It’s 9 a.m. and I am marvelling over orange juice and coffee if that gives you my state of mind right now. Alas, I am pumped up to talk to you guys about my book blogging quirks because I totally have some weird ones.This post is part of a 15 Day Book Blogger Challenge that I started because I was feeling burnt out and then inspired. Check out the challenge here.

15 Day Book Blogger Challenge | Good Books And Good Wine

Talk about your blogging quirks.

  • I always format and outline my posts before actually writing them, because this helps me to organize my thoughts better, otherwise I would be going on lots and lots of tangents.
  • I use a ton of run on sentences.
  • I have different folders for the blogs that I read and I always, always read every other folder before favorites because I am that person who saves the best for last (I also did this last night at the wedding dinner with the most delicious mashed potatoes I have ever had — I saved them right up until the end, like they were dessert).
  • GIFs are pretty much my favorite and I almost always laugh over the GIFs I choose.
  • I find that when I use a specific format for a review — like the question format for audiobook reviews — I have a much easier time getting them written.
  • I always feel like my reviews have to be over 700 words and if they are not, then I feel like I am not working hard enough on my reviews, which is silly, but I just like to have meat and substance and for me, I need a lot of words to describe my feels.
  • I am in a constant state of learning when it comes to coding, my blog, SEO, html, design. All of that jazz. I am okay with that, but I do try to incorporate what I learn constantly.
  • After reading a book, I add it to my NEED TO REVIEW shelf on goodreads so I do not forget to write up a review, also I picture that shelf as a stern matron, you know, because I personify things.

So, those are my quirks and I am sure that they come across as confessions, but hey quirks are kind of like confessing things.

Do you do any of these things? Please tell me I am not the only weirdo out there.

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April is in her 30s and created Good Books And Good Wine. She works for a non-profit. April always has a book on hand. In her free time she can be found binge watching The Office with her husband and toddler, spending way too much time on Pinterest or exploring her neighborhood.

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About April (Books&Wine)

April is in her 30s and created Good Books And Good Wine. She works for a non-profit. April always has a book on hand. In her free time she can be found binge watching The Office with her husband and toddler, spending way too much time on Pinterest or exploring her neighborhood.


  1. I love gifs and other images in reviews, but I haven’t really used them in my own yet. I should start doing that.

  2. I have a love/hate relationship with gifs … sometimes they’re great and sometimes they’re just way overdone. And I think we’re ALL in a constant state of learning when it comes to blogging!

  3. I love the idea of the GR shelf “need to review.” It totally sounds like a great way to remind yourself.

    And I’m similar with reviews and wordcount. As I break mine up, the first part has to be at least 425 words and the second needs to be at least 500. When I used to break the synopsis out my reviews always tended to be 1200 words and it just felt too long. But anything less than the 925 and I feel like I haven’t said enough.

    I love the GIFs you use in your posts. 🙂

  4. I am a schedule fanatic. I keep an online schedule with Google Calendar and a written schedule book as well. I also like to do my reviews in word first and format before posting. I usually review books I read within the next week so I don’t forget to review them but I like the Goodreads shelf idea. Loving the challenge! Thanks for hosting.

  5. I have a similar collection on my Kindle with books I need to review. It keeps getting bigger rather than smaller though!

    Thanks for hosting this challenge!

  6. I’ve been known to use my fair share of run-on sentences myself 🙂

    I like the idea of reading all the blogs in other folders first, before the favorites folder. I’ve been pretty lazy lately and just reading the favorites first.

    Haha, I always laugh at the Gifs I use, too. I crack myself up 🙂

  7. I love GIFs. I try not to use them in all the posts but they are so much fun. They make me laugh.

  8. I really need to start using a specific format when I review. I usually just write train of thought with very little editing other than spelling/grammar errors. I never really pay attention to word count. I enjoy reading reviews with bullet points though but am not sure how to incorporate those into my own review style. I can’t even contemplate using gifs. I spend so many hours browsing blogs and reading reviews, I don’t even want to consider how much time I would spend finding and creating gifs for reviews. I would never have time to read! I think I need to find a highly organized blog partner to even out my more random and impulsive way of blogging.

  9. I format and outline my reviews before actually writing them too. Didn’t realize your reviews were so long-700 words! I usually shoot for 300 unless I just feel nothing for the book and then it’s 250 and done.

  10. I love GIFs in reviews but I would probably stress too much about picking the right ones!

    I’m also constantly learning things about the back end of blogging and I try to use as much of it as I can.

  11. I feel the same way with my reviews…that they have to be a certain length or they’re not viable. I also like to learn about the “web” stuff, but a lot of it is still over my head.

  12. I like run on sentences! It makes a post feel like someone is really talking to you. I have never checked to see how many works I have in a typical post–I’ve never seen a way to do it on blogger….I just checked my last one. 695 words…

  13. Interesting! I’d never thought of doing a word count on my reviews. I always judge the length based on how long it looks. It needs to at least fill my screen from top to bottom in my current layout.

    Hmm, a need-to-review shelf is a good idea! I’ve never thought of doing that, but it seems like it would be helpful. I may need to make one!

  14. I don’t share many of your particular quirks. I actually do the opposite sometimes- my content is always finished first, and then it’s formatted. I also never outline. I have an idea of what the post should be like, and then I write it and whatever happens, happens. It makes for some very rambly posts, especially if they’re discussion posts, which is why I usually sleep on them for a few days, then do some editing.

    I’m also trying to learn about my blog too. I took a HTML and CSS workshop and the coolest thing was applying my knowledge to my blog.

  15. I actually do the first thing on your list as well! I like having my thoughts all organized out on the page before I even consider delving into my review. It’s always easier to keep track of everything I’d like to convey that way.

    I also think I should start doing what you do, and create a shelf with the books I need to review on Goodreads. We’ll see if that happens 🙂

  16. Lol! I do the same thing with my food. The most delicious things are to be consumed last, because who wants to end on a non-tasty flavor? The only exception is if it’s something that’s only good fresh and hot.

    Oh, also, like you I personify EVERYTHING.


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  5. […] This 15 Day Book Blogger Challenge is hosted by Good Books and Good Wine. […]