Top Ten Books on Allison’s Spring 2013 TBR List!

Top Ten Books on Allison’s Spring 2013 TBR List!

So many books! So little time! I managed to narrow my TBR list down to ten books that I would REALLY like to be able to read this Spring. Hopefully, I will have more success with this top ten TBR list then others in the past. Here we go:


A Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin

A Game Of Thrones George RR Martin Book Cover

Why: After much deliberation, I’ve decided to join the The Songs of Fire and Ice read-a-long. I’m about a week and a half behind so I have a little bit of catching up to do but I know I can do it. I think it’s going to be a lot of fun to read the series with others who want to read it just as much as I do.

Cinder by Marissa Meyer

Cinder, Marissa Meyer, Book Cover

Why: I’ve heard so much about this series, and I want to know what all the hype is about. Plus now I have a signed copy of Cinder (and Scarlet), I better put it to good use!

Sloppy Firsts by Megan McCafferty

Sloppy Firsts, Megan McCafferty, Book Cover, Jessica Darling

Why: I really want to finally learn about Jessica Darling. And Marcus Flutie. And all the apparent wonderfulness that is inside of this book. Also, I’ve decided that I HAVE to read this before BEA because I want to be able to discuss it with everyone.

Touching the Surface by Kimberly Sabatini

Touching The Surface Kimberly Sabatini Book Cover

Why: I have wanted to read this book for the longest time because it sounds pretty epic. Also, Kimberly is one of the nicest people ever. She’s so warm and genuine and I’m really excited to read her book!

Fat Angie by e.E. Charlton-Trujillo

Fat Angie E.E. Charlton-Trujillo Cover

Why: I put this one as my first Waiting on Wednesday post and even though I’ve had a review copy for some time now I still shamefully haven’t read it. I’m determined to do that this spring.

Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins

Anna And The French Kiss Stephanie Perkins Book Cover

Why: This is another book that I have decided that I have to read by BEA because I want to be able to discuss it with people. I’ve heard nothing but good things about this one. And apparently it is packed full of swoon worthy moments? YES!

Tiger Lily by Jodi Lynn Anderson

Tiger Lily Jodi Lynn Anderson Book Cover

Why: I’ve wanted to read this one for a while. I’m very intrigued by the premise of learning about Tiger Lily from Peter Pan’s story. I’m interested to see how the author takes the somewhat simplistic story of Peter Pan, and creates this whole new world out of it.

The Hallowed Ones by Laura Bickle

The Hallowed Ones Laura Bickle Book Cover

Why: I’ve wanted to read this one since April read it, and was all “OMG! VAMPIRES AND THE AMISH!” Seriously, I’m so interested in this idea, and cannot wait to read all about it.

The Watch That Ends the Night: Voices from the Titanic by Allan Wolf

The Watch That Nights The Night Book Cover

Why: As a Titanic junkie, I always try to read something related to it around the anniversary of the sinking. I’ve heard many good things about this book, and I’m really looking forward to reading another compelling account of the tragedy.

Fly Away by Kristin Hannah

Fly Away Cover

Why: Firefly Lane is a book that truly captured my heart. It made me laugh, smile, and cry (on a public bus mind you). So when I found out that Kristin Hannah was writing a sequel of sorts, I kinda freaked out a bit.  I’m really excited to read this book, and get back into the world of Tully, Marah, and Cloud. A re-read of Firefly Lane may be in order first though!


Are any of these books on your TBR? Have you read any of them? Do you plan on reading any of them? Let me know in the comments and be sure to drop me a link to your Top 10 list!

As always Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke And The Bookish.

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Allison is 27 years old. She is always looking for new books, good music, quality/epic adventures, and a normal sleep schedule. She currently works with the elderly.


  1. I want to read Fat Angie, too. You’re gonna love Sloppy Firsts and Anna, though I liked Lola and the Boy Next Door more.

  2. I haven’t read any of the books on your list, but I have both Cinder and Anna and the French Kiss on my TBR. None of them are mentioned in my TTT post this week, though.

  3. I really want to read GOT, but I think I need to wait til he finishes the series…maybe. But that would probably be when I’m like forty, so maybe not.

    Cinder, Sloppy Firsts, and Touching the Surface are all amazing, and you should read them RN. *waits impatiently*

  4. Great list! I hope you enjoy A Game of Thrones and the series as a whole. I love love love it, definitely one of my favourite fantasy series! I also absolutely loved Cinder and I can’t wait for Scarlet! I hope you get round to reading some of these this spring and enjoy them 🙂

    Becca @ Lost in Thought

  5. Yay! GAME OF THRONES is so completely awesome. I’ve become a bit obsessed. I need to buy THE HALLOWED ONES as well 🙂

  6. I’m so excited that you’ll be joining us for the read-along! While it’s really more support group than read-along, it is pretty fun to be able to discuss with everyone what’s happening in the book and what our favorite bits are so far. Don’t worry too much about playing catch-up – the book is surprisingly easy to read and you’ll get addicted quick, I think.

    I’m also pumped that Cinder is on this list! I’m a huge fan/advocate of this series, in case you hadn’t noticed 😉 I think Marissa Meyer is a great storyteller, and I love the way she’s taken these classic fairytales and made them her own. Plus, you get to meet Iko and Kai and Cinder – which is worth it!

    Anna and the French Kiss is a book I read before I started blogging, but it will always be memorable to me because it got my non-reader friend to read. It’s a good book, a fun contemporary novel, and it introduced me to the wonderful writing style of Stephanie Perkins. I hope you end up enjoying it too!

    Tiger Lily is heartbreaking, emotional and just so well-written. I loved Jodi’s take on these two characters from the classic. The story is very unique and cleverly done, and I enjoyed reading it earlier this year.

    Happy reading!

  7. I REALLY want to read The Watch That Ends The Night. I am also a huge Titanic junkie and have had my eye on that book for quite a while.

    I also have Firefly Lane on my nightstand and keep meaning to read it. I guess maybe I’m just waiting to be in the right mood? Because it’s right next to A Game of Thrones – which I also really, really want to get to!

    Love this list – this topic is making my TBR list longer, and longer, and longer…

  8. I’m trying to read Songs of Fire and Ice too, not as part of a readalong, but just for myself/with a few friends. I love it, but then I put it down and it takes me forever to pick it back up again. The read-a-long would be a pretty good incentive!

  9. Cinder is so good, I hope you enjoy that one. Touching the Surface, Tiger Lily, and The Hallowed Ones are all books that I’ve wanted to read for a while, too. Awesome list!

    Nikki @ There were books involved…

  10. Cheers to Anna and the French Kiss & Sloppy Firsts! So happy I’m not alone in this. 🙂

    I am total titanic junkie too—- if there and article I read it, any type of movie or documentary I watch it! I’ll have to look into The Watch that Ends the Night!!

  11. I thought I was the last blogger who hadn’t read The Jessica Darling Series. LOL!
    I just blank out when people start discussing it, I should probably read it too.

  12. The Song of Ice and Fire series is well worth the read, despite some overly long discriptiveness and the sheer daunting size of the books.
    Cinder (and Scarlet) are fantastic, can’t wait for the next book!

  13. JESSICA DARLING! That is all.

  14. I’ve read some of these Allison! I love Cinder – I recently re-read it, actually. I hope you like it. And I’ve read the first two Jessica Darling books and loved them so much I am scared to go any further in the series (I have weird reading habits) – before I continue with the series I probably need to just start over so I’ll remember the details. You’ll probably love that series. It’s so much fun. 🙂

    I read Anna and the French Kiss last year when I first started reading contemporary YA and honestly, I didn’t love it. SO…I’m about to re-read it (via audiobook) and read Lola and the Boy Next Door for the first time. Not sure if I’ll like it any better, but I’m MUCH more in love with contemporaries now than when I first started so I think I can give the book a much fairer chance.

    Also, I’ve never read anything by Kristin Hannah, but I’ve always noted that her books have really beautiful covers and I kind of want to. So maybe I should sooner rather than later.

    Love your list! Good luck with these. 🙂

  15. ‘Anna’ and ‘TigerLily’ were both FANTASTIC! Although they’re both completely different kinds of stories they were both wonderful.

    I’ve been contemplating reading ‘Cinder’ but I keep putting it off. The synopsis always looses me at the word ‘cyborg’ – yet I hear great things so maybe I need to reconsider!

    Just know that when you start, your life will not be complete until you’ve read the whole series….mwahahaha!

  17. I didn’t know about the Game of Thrones read along! Perhaps I’ll join in when it’s time to read the second book.

    I recently read Cinder and loved, loved, LOVED it. I’m reading Scarlet now and it’s pretty awesome.

    I’ve said this before, but YAY ANNA! You’re going to love it! Thanks for sharing your TBR with us 🙂

  18. I hadn’t heard of Fat Angie before, but now it’s definitely on my radar! That’s a great list of must-read!

  19. GAME OF THRONES! and Cinder of course. Definitely read those two first, they are so amazing and life changing because of their awesomeness. Have you watched the GoT show?

  20. I promise you are gonna want Scarlet nearby after you read Cinder! They are both quick, easy, and enjoyable reads. Just a heads up. Also, try not to get too upset when you realize the third book doesn’t come out till February 2014! 🙁

    Otherwise, great choices! Happy Reading!