Allison: Mind Games | Kiersten White | Book Review

Mind Games is the perfect title for this book by Kiersten White because honestly that is what this book does to you. It plays so many games with your mind! Everything is part of the puzzle, and every little detail is important to the puzzle. Even if you think it might not be important in the end it could be the one detail that really matters. It’s kinda crazy in a way.

Mind Games Cover

There are two main characters in Mind Games. The first Fia was born with flawless instincts and has learned to trust her gut instinct as it is usually right. Her sister Annie is blind to the world around her – except that she has the ability to have strange visions of the future. Together, they have an unusual and complex bond doing whatever they can to save the other in a world filled with secrets and lies. Even if it means risking themselves in the process.

Mind Games is written in a duel narrative which gives the reader the ability to see where each sister is coming from in terms of their decisions. It also shows how devoted they are to each other, and how much they are willing to sacrifice for the other. The flip flopping of the points of view also created the tension that was needed for the puzzle of the story. Like I said, every little detail mattered, including the flashbacks into the past. It might not have seemed like it when the detail was first revealed but once things started coming full circle, it all started making sense. Except at the same time, it didn’t … and that actually made it more intense to read.

I didn’t necessarily fully connect with either one of the sisters. They both had their strengths and their flaws but I was so drawn into the plot execution of the story that the character’s actually kind of fell to the wayside in a way. This is odd for me to think about but honestly that is the way that it happened. I was so sucked into the strength of the plot, and the implementation of it that I wasn’t focused on the characters. It was something of a different pace for me which was nice. Of course, it was a little easy to get sucked into the story when there is spying, espionage, assassinations, secrets, and lies involved!

Overall, I enjoyed Mind Games, and I look forward to the sequel which I believe doesn’t come out till 2014 (of course). I’m hoping that the second book in the series will answer my still unanswered questions, and fill in the necessary gaps which I feel as still within the story. These gaps didn’t necessarily disappoint me but at the same time I still want to know more. More spying, espionage, assassinations, secrets, and lies please!

Disclosure: Received advanced copy from Oblong Books after attending a signing event.

Other Reviews of Mind Games by Kiersten White:
The Book Belles: “This book will keep you up reading…

Mostly YA Lit: “I would totally recommend this to anyone who needs a fast, action-y read…

Mundie Moms: “Mind Games is a thrilling, fun, and incredibly fast read…

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Allison is 27 years old. She is always looking for new books, good music, quality/epic adventures, and a normal sleep schedule. She currently works with the elderly.


  1. I want to read this so badly! I love assassin books! So many awesome reviews for this book. I’m glad you liked it!

  2. I had a lot of fun reading this book but like you I wanted some more answers and I really hope book 2 will provide them to our satisfaction.

    • It’s gonna be hard to wait until 2014 for the second book but hopefully the wait will be worth it and we will get the answers we so desire! 😉

  3. Oh my goodness I can’t WAIT to read this one. I love complicated books that leave you guessing!

  4. I’m glad you liked this one! I wasn’t particularly thrilled with it, but I’m sure there are people who will love it. I think the cover is absolutely gorgeous — one of my favourite parts of the book!

    Great review. 🙂

    • I love the cover! It’s gorgeous! 😀

      I’m sorry to hear that you didn’t enjoy the book though. I can see how it might not be a book for everyone.

  5. I can’t wait to read this! I’ve heard essentially the same thing from the people I know who’ve read this and don’t think I’ll enjoy it more than Paranormalcy but I’m still excited to read it!

    • I haven’t read Paranormalcy yet so I didn’t have anything to compare it to but I still liked the style that it was written in. I hope you enjoy it too! 🙂

  6. Oh fun! This sounds really interesting… I like books that play with your mind and keep you on your toes! Great review!

    • It is always a little fun to get lost in a book that plays with your mind! I hope you’re able to check out Mind Games, and that you enjoy the way it keeps you on your toes.

  7. I cannot wait to read this book! Though, having unanswered questions at the end of the book is a bit frightening to me … I prefer, even if the book is a part of a series, if the book can stand alone. I hope the unanswered questions aren’t big ones.

    • For me, the questions have me anticipating the second book but I really can’t say much more than that without feeling like I’m giving away too much about the book. To me, they are not necessarily really big questions (like I’m not desperately in need of answers but I would like them, you know?) but, that might not be the case for others. I hope you’re still able to enjoy the book if you choose to read it! 🙂

  8. While usually I have issues with not being able to connect with the characters (and that still makes me hesitant about this book), I think it’s great that the plot drew you in. That intrigues me and makes me rethink checking this out!

    • It’s weird for me not to be connected to the characters too but Mind Games definitely made it a little bit easier because of the plot execution and the mystery surrounding it. 🙂

  9. I love puzzles, I love misdirection! I love it when the final reveal makes me want to read the entire thing again and look for the clues, and this sounds like that kind of book.

    • It really did make me want to re-read it and see if I could piece everything together the second time around. I haven’t had a chance to do so yet but maybe soon! 🙂


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