Who Wants A Shiny Pre-Order???

Clearly Unicorns Win

Oh yes, that is right. What kind of a zombie vs. unicorns week would it be if there were no contests and no prizes?

NOT A VERY FUN ONE, that’s what.

Compadres, today I am putting forth a pre-order of Zombies vs. Unicorns. This contest is open internationally. It ends 6/27.

There are extra entries – only two. One for linking (I specified the link on the form) and one for declaring yourself Team Unicorn OR Team Zombie.

For your enjoyment:
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April is in her 30s and created Good Books And Good Wine. She works for a non-profit. April always has a book on hand. In her free time she can be found binge watching The Office with her husband and toddler, spending way too much time on Pinterest or exploring her neighborhood.

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About April (Books&Wine)

April is in her 30s and created Good Books And Good Wine. She works for a non-profit. April always has a book on hand. In her free time she can be found binge watching The Office with her husband and toddler, spending way too much time on Pinterest or exploring her neighborhood.


  1. xxsquigglesxx says

    Team unicorn!

  2. Totally team zombie. Unicorns are stupid. :p

  3. MikeMagpuyo says

    Thanks for the giveaways! And yes, I am Team All-That-Is-Magical, Team UNICORN!

  4. freakingmuse says

    I love Charlie the Unicorn but he could not even defend his own kidney against OTHER unicorns! How should he stand against zombies?!
    Zombies are way more loyal to their horde.

  5. While The Last Unicorn is probably my favorite fantasy novel. I'd have to choose Team Zombie, because zombies are cooler.


  7. Team Unicorn!

  8. The Library Lurker says

    I am so team unicorn! And I tweeted!


    Oh, and I'm entered as Taylor, btw.

  9. My love of The Last Unicorn means I have to be Team Unicorn!

  10. Shooting Stars Mag says

    Ooooh I really want this! Team Zombie though, I'm afraid. Zombieland people!! And Left for Dead!!!

    lauren51990 AT aol DOT com

  11. cynthial11 says

    Awesome giveaway!!! I'm Team Unicorn of course because I'm terrified of zombies. =)


    Braaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaains! :p

  13. Lisa_Gibson says

    Team Zombie all the way!
    Those unicorns are just too darn glittery for me. And what's up with all that prancing?!

  14. Meredith says

    Oh, wow, definitely Team Unicorn!

  15. runnersami says

    Very interesting idea for a book – now I'm totally intrigued! I remember when Charlie the Unicorn first came out, I quoted it constantly and drove my friends mad. 🙂

  16. missprint says

    Definitely Team Unicorn. Pretty sure most zombies smell.

  17. Team Unicorn. Duh. : )

  18. Team unicorn


    Great contest!


  20. Team Unicorn all the way!! I loooove Charlie! xD

  21. Charlie the unicorn is hilarious!

    Team unicorn for me. I'm zombied out.

  22. Duh team unicorn!

  23. Reading is my Life says

    Based on who I'd rather show up in my kitchen…
    Team Unicorn. Definitely.

  24. Rita J. Webb says

    Team Unicorn.

  25. Charchelar says

    Team Unicorn. They're faster and the have horns-definitely a weapon scarier than zombies.

  26. Don't tell Sharon but, umm… Team Unicorn!

  27. Rae (In The Forest) says

    Team zombie.

    Or maybe team zombie unicorns? That would be so cool. lol

  28. purplg8r says

    I am team Unicorn! Growing up, I had hundreds of unicorns–stuffed ones, figurine ones, they were on my wallpaper, and my favorite dress when I was 4 had a unicorn on the front (yes, I still have it!)


  29. Team Zombie all the way.


  30. Erika Lynn says
  31. Team Zombies!!!

    enter me please, I filled out the form.

  32. throuthehaze says

    Team Unicorn!!!

  33. Anne Royce says

    Team Unicorn! Zombies are scary .___.

  34. Jenny N. says

    Team Unicorn for the win!!!

  35. Team Unicorn!

  36. Oh totally Team Unicorn all the way!! Zombies are CREEPY!!

  37. Totally unicorn!

    Twitted here;


  38. waxtheknob says

    Team Unicorn for me…zombies are gross…yuck!


  39. Team Zombie!
    Charlie notwithstanding Unicorns are altogether too girly for me – it's all those sparkles and the pure white business.

  40. Stella (Ex Libris) says

    Team Unicorn all the way, zombies are disgusting! ugh…

  41. team zombies i enter as jamie wilson
    i thinks unicorns are like sparkly pixie horses that's too prissy for me

  42. Team Unicorn!

  43. Jennisis says

    Team Unicorn wins…vampires aren't the only sparklies out there!

  44. Vierelements says
  45. Nastassia says

    I'm for Team Unicorn .

    tweet – http://twitter.com/TasciaD/statuses/17193312380